How Did 2020 Predictions Twitter Foresee The Harry Styles Vogue Cover? This was also the year George III, suffering from what is believed to be bipolar disorder, was replaced by his son, George IV, the Prince Regent. Thats interesting. You are solely responsible for what you post. Categories. Oh, I wonder if the data is accurate? If fiction, I think how creative the authors of it are. Thats pretty bad in 2023. It would have been quicker to make them from scratch! She wasnt an acquaintance and not my vintage (Im a similar age to you). Ive had so many comments about this piece, which I have updated on 14th January 2023 (post publication of Spare) that I have decided to expand the feature by replying to your questions and thoughts. Thanks very much for pointing out the French separation of church and state. Thank you. May it be full of love, prosperity and good health. You sound as if you know your royal history. Not sure if its down to the stories written about her that trigger my dislike of meanness and injustice, or if its just an instinctual thing, who knows! 6) Sun Mercury Venus in 3rd house makes one popular writer and if somehow Jupiter aspects the, then one become a very famous scholar, writer, artist. The family didnt know about it, for quite a while. Maybe even put them in potential danger. It just remains to be seen what happens with Charles. There is no way you can miss the Royal Family pictures, souvenirs, magazines and news if you stay in London not even for a day. Brothers, eh? I personally think the C of E H is known for giving half a story, or his version of a story. I recently watched a YouTube video posted by a UK tarot reader Claire Thackray re the publication of Harrys book. Why? The generational planets (Neptune, Uranus, Pluto) are slow-moving, and while they can absolutely . Williams destiny reveals the biggest and best opportunity in 12 years to get away with the so-called impossible or unthinkable ambitions. That seems likely to be March. Oh wow thats pretty interesting. It seems likely there are also Spencer karmic patterns played out with W and H. The Spencer family are curiously quiet and hidden by the distraction and focus on TRF. It was very cringeworthy and the comments basically blamed Harry for bringing all the negative attention upon himselfand who would have ever imagined Princess Diana being dragged into it that way? Its really interesting to see who hasnt disrupted or destroyed. I also think there is done so much damage that there is no way back in that relationship.. See my comments about Netflix and manufactured drama. And the triangular mountain itself not dissimilar to the one of the front of th American dollar bill. Ive said this before, but its for all the world like a production, not an organic or natural sequence of events. But where to now. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. The Tarot can be very useful in such cases; you can look at what the various outcomes might be of your involvement with an obvious Leo/Fifth House fresh story. We are told the names of Charless bathroom products and the address of Soho House, but not the name of the emerald tiara shown to Meghan by the Queen. Hi Jessica, I agree with everyone that we are being played and I keep hearing who is directing it ?and who is the producer of this shakespearen drama in front of us? It doesnt require a Royal to do it. Stay safe, Perhaps the paragraph on eclipses and the photographs of Meghans pregnant stomach (looking large, then much smaller) was not clear enough. It simply should not matter and yet rumors persist. This is deeply sinister and I think your analysis is incredible. Will they resurface? Im disappointed in Harry. Thank you. It would be a good new plot line in a manufactured drama series. Specify the coordinates of the birth location. The first is that many Anglicans around the world are not British but are deeply conservative on the subject of divorce and gay or lesbian marriage. Each shape they produce has a different meaning. its amazing in this day and age the RF still exists. Its amazing how many readers have odd memories of that wedding. Now that is interesting, given that this goes back exactly to the last South Node in Libra cycle. He was also in sympathy to Anne Boleyn. (Well both, actually). Charles III following the rather ill-fated Charles I and Charles II is a good example. Among other incredible information, she also says that it wasnt an accident, in fact a white car projected the Mercedes towards the pillar. Harry could be more of a 'do-er' than a 'thinker.'. Western (EU and US) security forces must be very concerned about the relationship between the UK Royal Family, Russia (and Trump), China and the Arab states. And this plan fulfils the interests not only of those who believe it is the only way forward for humanity, but those who believe it satisfies an ancient promise.. You believe Meghan was pregnant with both children I am not sure. This is also the year that a special child will come into her life. (Two years after this forecast, Meghan became a mother). It looks like Andrew, Harry, some people in the SNP are being played. Maybe it stems from the deep sense of disquiet that enveloped me when I found out that H was dating M. Maybe it was the darkness associated with the wedding; I dont know. Just to add to the reference to the Daily Mail article about Irans comments about H, Britain in light of the recent execution in Iran. * Sidereal Planetary Positions enabled in settings. Frankly I dont believe it, never have but its interesting that Coren has links to Soho House, his close friend Nick Jones being the founder and former CEO of SH. I have posted the astrological chart for the Church of England on the prediction about Charles, elsewhere, but it clearly shows an historic crisis, in the first instance between March and June 2023. This is where Lilibets DNA comes into play, and possibly her parents DNA as well. It is all building up as the astrology said so rapidly now. They pointed in the direction of revolution, albeit with no exception and no gunfire. Four Weddings and a Funeral, good grief! It is saying I am carrying a future royal. You can bet Andrew, Meghan and Harry will be news again by the end of March, though. How to. Hi Jessica, David Fosters 4th wife was Yolanda Hadid. But that means something happens to Prince George to take him out of the running. I am less convinced of that. Dangerous. Angela Kelly is the woman, isnt she? It is interesting and fascinating that he did not write about this in his book: omissions in Spare. Its pretty fascinating that a lot of your predictions have come true and its hard to understand why more people dont believe in astrology based on that alone. (unless there is a synchronicity yet to reveal.). America/UK: Robert/Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew, Trump, Soho House, Marcus Anderson, parties, wannabees, Meghan and a yacht interesting little titbit about her close friend (allegedly), American actress Abigail Spencer, also in Suits, is that, according to the internet, she was born on the same day, in the same year as MM. On 8th January 2020, we saw Megxit; the end of Harry and Meghan in Britain. Are you both experiencing the same astrological cycles? Another very intriguing analysis, as usual, Jessica. Royal Astrologer's Wild Predictions for Meghan Markle & Prince Harry The Bayeux Tapestry must have been on a pinboard. I think we deserve better. The European Union and NATO block Vladimir Putins ambitions. Harrys medium gave good survival evidence: a Christmas tree decoration (of HM the Queen) broke and Archie picked it up. Charles has form for being indecisive/weak even. In her 1987 book Star Signs, in the section on Lexigrams, which I recall you have previously made reference to, Linda Goodman talks about this subject (the foundation of the Church). William Marshal ruled England for 9 year old Henry iii. I can feel echoes across history. I for one have been gobsmacked by the sheer number of recorded instances of bad behaviour by H & M, which are very difficult to interpret any other way, particularly in video form, not easy to alter I would think. Im amazed Hs revelation of the 25 he killed got past his editors, but his follow up comment that these people were just like chess pieces to him seems to have angered Iran as much as the number. Edward had a jealous, easily lead brother who plotted against him despite being forgiven the first round. Here are excerpts from Pennys book that I hope I have copied faithfully. Many more secrets to share! Thank you Jessica. In my dream I arrive at Buckingham Palace. Addressed in green ink on yellowish parchment with a purple seal, they are swiftly confiscated by his grisly aunt and uncle. Interesting. Many people order them without questions about their genes or paternity and Harry had a mother who was pushed to adultery by her own husband and his mistress. Ive been reading your blog ever since you accurately predicted Covid. Thank you. This whole Shakespearian drama appears to have nothing to do with my corner of the world but it sooo does! I will post this now, as Mercury is out of Retrograde Shadow. In regard to damage being done to the Commonwealth by H & M, it did seem to me that this is what happened on William & Catherines Caribbean trip. In 1997 before she died she turned up in a wheelchair to see Charles play polo hoping to speak with him. Scorpio is about dangerous marriages and dangerous sexual relationships. Ghislaine Maxwell interviewed on Mercury Retrograde will offer exactly what wed expect information that will be altered, retracted or come to nothing later. And whats more there was a moment during Queen Elizabeths funeral that struck me as particularly poignant. As for the children for me the jury is still out, but nothing really surprises me with Harry and Meghan anymore. I have had nothing but respect for Anne and she works harder than anyone. 2. We were told about his fathers Dior products, but not about the name of the controversial tiara. Interesting. It seems perceived lack of injustice, unfairness, betrayal and disloyalty seem at the heart of these conflicts. I think I will view these stories now through a different lens. You will have moved on. Ukraine has clearly identified support for Russia and therefore lack of support for them in these regions. I have no doubt that the royal drama is one act of it. (This leads the author PT to recount this next bit): Even more interesting is Cranmer, who knew when to bend like Welby. That just about sums up the whole saga. This fits the astrology perfectly. Harry had no way of knowing that the Queen would pass when she did, and I think he would have released the documentary and the book regardless. Pluto in conjunction with the Moon in Capricorn in young Georges chart is about the monarchy itself, and someone or something taking that over. I suspect in years to come, that the monarchy if it were to survive, it will be secular. Or not. My heart goes out to Harry , (I feel a kinship with him because my mother died in childbirth when I was 2 and subsequent stepmother told me herself many years later that she never saw me as part of the family.) Oh, the Ace of Swords is a crown spinning on top of a sword, it having taken it off one head, ready for another. MM was their first investor. Again, this is about power. So from Andrew, Harry and Meghan come the polls. I was talking to an old friend of Princess Dianas last night and we agreed that it is the people who are missing from all this. And the US /Britain relationship is the powerful centre of those allies. (Obviously there are other faiths who would agree/disagree also) I have a couple of questions, weve talked about information wars using AI & bots, can you see an end to this kind of meddling and manipulation? Why would she fake being pregnant though? It is only by a quirk of timing that Charles could not step back and make Anne the Regent. and when He set apart His throne on the winds But if you were to ask me my opinion what actually should be done, then I would say ask each congregation how they want things done. 7) Venus, Mercury, Moon together in any house can make one a very famous writer especially if aspected by . The wedding itself changed venue; it was then postponed upon the death of Pope John Paul II. Astrology can help cut through the noise, as I always say, and it is very clear that you cant look at Prince Harry by himself; he is one of two targets attacked at much the same time, Prince Andrew being the other. The estates name came from an oak tree near the main gate, which was growing out of and had split a large boulder. The documentary made repeated reference to how easy it was for the Russians to get influence at the highest levels, and how highly skilled they are, to the point that their targets wouldnt necessarily even realise that they were working for the Russian state. Thank you for pointing out these familiar narratives in Dianas story and Harrys too. We have this cycle, Pluto in Aquarius, every 248 years. Beyond the fact that the aristocracy has a limited gene pool to choose from, you also have to wonder at the past lives involved when something like this happens. March 2023 will feel like the French Revolution, the Regency and Henry VIII all at the same time. I dont see the media picking it up at all. The desired outcome is a manufactured artificial conflict between Team Meghan and Team Kate. Thank you. It would be nice if The Sunday Times with all its brilliant investigative reporting finds out how many of these lowly-paid, mass armies of online warriors work on high-rise trolls farms! I wish Andrew would not give the saga any more oxygen. Another person who had to turn off the television when Meghan wed Harry. Have a great weekend It is possible that Meghan and/or Harry are using astrology. Is Justin Welby on his way out? Roell predicts Prince George will become king at a young age not William. The silence on Williams family was really because it takes five charts to give a proper answer! Thank you. Weve not seen that before in the Harry story. Its private. The 4th Sunday of Lent, also Mothers day is when the parable is told in Church. The best gay men or lesbians can hope for is a blessing, after a civil marriage. This comment puts things in perspective. I bring this up because I cant help feeling there was a cover up there as well. And another prediction, which is interesting as it precedes Megxit: September 2017 and stays there until Thursday 28. Later on, from the second week of February it gels. What a sharp contrast that tight fit family of 4 is to what we have now. Every career has its realities, doesnt it. He has been trying to unravel M&H first meeting and the links to Soho House (among other things) with MM and Markus Anderson, Jake Rosenberg, Elizabeth Tuke. And a security guard for either the Archbishop of Canterbury and/or the couple. That is important. This is in keeping with the problems with the dresses, her father and Prince Charles stepping in to give her away, the press coverage issues etc. At 2.27 of the video there is an apparent snapshot of a Tweet from Kensington Palace tweeted at 3.02 am on May 6th 2019, but quickly taken down, allegedly, advising that a surrogate was used. This whole thread has been quiet educational. Besides, finding out that Charles isnt his Dad may be a little inconvenient for the ambitions of his wife Meghan. Most people equate her and daughter Margarets relationship with Group Captain Peter Townsend as being eerily similar. Maybe a look at the natal chart of Henry Herbert and how it fits with Harry would be an interesting exercise. The new stamps show Charles without a crown. Britain and NATO have just stumbled into a danger zone. Prince Harry's Birth Chart: Royal Astrologer's Interpretation Welby. I was also published by Transworld/Penguin Random House, by the two same men, and given the nitpicking, fact-checking editorial standards, its really interesting to see so much fail to appear. Poor Henry ended up dying in the Tower under shadowy circumstances during Edwards second reign. There is much repetition here, with the ongoing Harry and Meghan drama. Harry reversing his position on the alleged racism of his family is part of a pattern. Jessica, Thank you for being an outstanding impartial good human being. They already changed the sexism in the succession, but it may be time to look at a completely different way of deciding who leads. You know what would fix so much of this? In regard to your revelation that the Church of England is pursuing the idea of a female God at the General Synod, well, Heavens to Betsy (Betsi?). Millions of tax payer money to this family. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. Getty "And when I looked at the energy between them, she was doing a lot of acting but he was as pale as a ghost. Maybe he worked out that Harry couldnt of been his child but for appearance sake kept up the pretence that he was. Take your time choosing as there will be more than one. Of three potential years, Nick favours 2017. Your articles and replies are so interesting thank you. I feel that she does not genuinely love him, and that this will all end in tears. Im not psychic but Ive always felt the head of the Anglican Church was spiritually empty. Say King Charles for one reason or another doesnt get coronated in May ( like you I believe this is possible) or worse he abdicates or becomes seriously Ill then the crown would pass to William. I came to that conclusion with the astrology, as did Charles Carter back in the 1940s, but as a professional psychic you are picking up on the future clairvoyantly. This is especially true in the United Kingdom where working people pay tax to support the monarchy. Gosh such a long time ago Lots of interesting comments and food for thought. If Charles III is crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury despite the sealed legal documents which can only be opened after his death (the legal opinion on he and Camilla) then I hope everyone can see if little George turns out to be gay, inherits the crown from William, and has an Anglican gay husband, then there is nothing whatsoever that can stop King George and (Fred?) I would be curious to hear from Peter Settelen again and in turn hear from Diana again about the missing pieces of her story and how it may help make sense or make peace. That kind of detail was to sell more books? In the years leading up to her death she had been desperate to reconnect with Charles who only a few years before dumped her for being too needy. They present as well-qualified and knowledgeable, e.g. Perhaps she secretly did, maybe under another name. Just thought Id share a link towards a video by a French medium, Claire Thomas about some of Dianas past lives. I feel dizzy just writing about it. This is the eternal cycle of time, which applies to everyone. What has happened to Prince Andrew and now, the family as a whole, does not feel accidental or random. The Queen is being shown an ancient piece of parchment. Thats it. The gay marriage issue is really just speculation; you can bet many in the establishment are thinking about it, though. The Tarot can help with guidance on this Cancer-Capricorn axis transit. It would be uncertain, though, so that there could be a reunion episode. Thanks for your efforts! My memory was jogged by Caits comment and your response about its importance, as the chart for the foundation of the Church of England is now due for its 248-year Pluto Return. We also have and still do share our love of astrology so naturally (only having their sun signs to follow) we believed that this was a match made in heaven. At age 50, when Harry and Meghan were to be married I knew to look for much more. Any thoughts? We called the Archbishop and we just said, Look, this thing, this spectacle is for the world but we want our union between us. So, the vows that we have framed in our room are just the two of us in our backyard with the Archbishop of Canterbury. I believe that William will be a great King but will he be given the chance? Leo is always about heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. Best wishes to you for the New Year ahead. The purpose is to change the balance of power by creating instability. Thank you. Big questions, no answers yet. Ive not heard of Claire Thomas but I will take a look. When Harry reportedly told the Queen What Meghan wants, Meghan gets it was over the Grenville Emerald Kokoshnik tiara Meghan wanted to wear for the wedding. Ive never cheated on a partner and my conscious is clear on my terms/souls journey, and not Welbys and his type. Craft quotes the magazine "Harry Styles Fanbook" (2019), pg. What about the rest? wouldnt it be doomed to fail or disappear? Pushing back will require tremendous self-mastery and hard work but it will also be the making of you. It looks like March-June is the turmoil then there is a long leave-taking into 2024. Anyone who doubts there is an agenda here, hasnt been paying attention. In Dec 2007, both Jupiter and Pluto will be crossing Williams Ascendant and expressing the theme of death and rebirth. He feels disoriented. Where is the Duchess of Sussex? Philanthropy We have the actress. I hope Diana was able to communicate through the medium. Fascinating blog. Thank you for your warp speed reply, given all that you do. Literally, a married couple with gas fittings which are interfered with. The Tom Inskip Jamaica wedding story and pix are interesting too. Part of the loophole was the European human rights act. Im all for the hive mind looking at this, because I think were all reaching a point where we feel its time for some facts. I worry about this family. Princess Charlotte has Saturn squaring her Mercury that day also. Queen Mary had it repaired and altered so the original hanging pearls could be interchanged for 15 of Queen Marys emeralds so it could be worn 3 ways. Id say our Queen knew exactly what was going on with Harry and Meghan. Thank you for contributing to the discussion about the monarchy. So we should care that we are being treated like this. The bullying of W & C is clear because of their position. Pix on internet of H&M with him and Eugenia and Jack at Halloween party 2016. I knew only that it concerned the future of the monarchy. Or do you think he will go the whole hog and leave the UK forever? As for William, I have to confess to wanting to see him and Catherine both being crowned at Westminster Abbey. The whole saga has also been redolent of Shakespeare, which a few readers have pointed out. How any relationship could begin to heal with the amount of mud being flung (and a complete denial of guilt on their part) is beyond me. Really interesting article Jessica, My heart goes out to Harry , (I feel a kinship with him because my mother died in childbirth when I was 2 and subsequent stepmother told me herself many years later that she never saw me as part of the family.) You are not seeing my time zone; you are seeing yours. Harry currently has Neptune opposite his Sun and he is very delusional and confused and creating karmic endings right now. Malignant narcissists are prone to violence. I also have no doubt that Markle will get what she deserves eventually. You are so objective and unselfish in all you do. The post of Earl Marshal has been held by the Dukes of Norfolk since 1672. Sad. I always wondered why does Harry hate Will so much since he got together with Megan. His elder brother was Arthur, married to Catherine of Aragon. In true Aquarius fashion, Harry Styles is absolutely unique where image choices are concerned. Timing! Sorry, just wanted to add to my earlier question the comments made by Prince Harry on how the people he killed in Afghanistan as being viewed not as people but chess pieces was shockingly insensitive. Eagle-eyed Charles appeared very much to notice, and Charlotte was not with the other bridesmaids on the procession out of the church, but left hand-in-hand with Catherine. Too funny. What do you think of this foul-smelling mixture of AL Qaeda threatening Prince Harry and British people, Dianas very private letters about her unhappy marriage being put up for auction (purely coincidental?) Olivia Wilde And Harry Styles' Astrological Compatibility - Women's Health Also as you reminded us, Mercury is retrograde. I totally resonate with the degree of anger you referred to other psychics having around the time of the wedding. May be I need the distraction and this taps into my anger. I also get the impression that he is being guided either by Diana in spirit, or by intelligence sources operating in secret. The late queens statement Recollections may vary is at the heart of it! Dont you miss real romance? Enemies come to light and many work against her. Again, you have been barricaded, barred, blocked and thwarted. Thank you. You were married to a man who had family problems and kept pushing for unity. The couple obviously married while war on Ukraine was just a dream for Vladimir Putin, but the Ukraine chart also lines up with Harrys. Thank you so much. After the 1925 Santa Barbara earthquake, the main house was demolished. North; South ; Harry Styles's Zodiac Sign. A symptom of depression is a total lack of motivation or extreme tiredness, so one of the easiest things to do is try free hypnosis from Glenn Harrold or Dr. Paul McKenna online and just fall asleep to it. How fascinating that The Sunday Times mention March or April as the date for the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, to intervene with Charles III and Prince Harry. The only other certainty for nominations in all three of those categories is Harry Styles, who can't be completely counted out as an ultimate winner, should the voting members decide they don't even want to have to decide between all that big diva energy again. The House of Windsor is tied to the last war and to the defence of the realm, and it has a spiritual value to British people which is powerful and everlasting, it being shored up and protected by those in spirit; the Queen Mother, for example, and Her Majesty the Queen.