I would definitely contact your primary care provider & get some lab work going. I have a bruise at my chest together with my upper thighs, they appeared without me noticing coz' it's not sore at all,should i worry? However, if a bruise persists, changes in size, or looks unusual, there may be an underlying condition Easy bruising. It must be very frustrating for some people who do not have insurance or a primary care provider to keep hearing, 'Go see your doctor,' but truthfully, these skin areas need to be visualized and a full health history needs to be taken. But I dont fault Kirsten S. or Shine 365. My mom is 65 years old an shes in a wheel chair since 1988 we was in a car accident anyways it's been about a year my mom has had these bruses they don't go away there spreading all over her body know there going on her face no 1can tell her what it is she has gone to 2 specialist an no one can tell her what it is my poor mom is starting to get depressed there big all over her body. Thanks for reading Shine365 and reaching out, Mak. They can ask you questions about your conditions, medications and medical history, which helps them give you the most accurate answer and guidance. Hi, Giselle. Anemia is not something to ignore. Also, good to have as much family history as u can. He/she can best answer your question. These could be signs of internal bleeding or other serious conditions which should prompt an immediate visit to your loved ones doctor. Bruising accompanied by frequent. Steven Anderson answered 45 years experience Could be: If you have an unexplained bruise that has no known injury to explain its presence this could be a problem with your Theyre on my inner thigh and I know its not trauma related . Accessed March 14, 2022. Some are small some are big, but mainly like little small mosquito bumps that are bruises. No pain or discomfort. Bruising on hands for no reason | HealthTap Online Doctor We cannot give individualized medical advice on this forum. I dont want to look like a drama queen but should I be asking my Dr about this & maybe get a few blood tests done? Hoffman R, et al. 2. Accessed March 14, 2022. I don't want to bring cushions everywhere. https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/fall-proofing-your-home. Certain medications may contribute to easy bruising by decreasing the blood's ability to clot. She has no idea how they got there. #2: Why is an area of it numb? 7th ed. Bruises are getting larger with time. hi im 15 and ive been getting small purple/brown bruises for about 3 weeks now, but yesterday im not sure why but i looked in the mirror and the back of my knee is completely bruised with purple/red/green/yellow/ and brown. Arrange furniture and electrical cords so that they're not in your way when you walk. Example: She can't move her leg over from gas pedal to the brake without pushing it. i have about 14 yellow bruises on my right leg and several on the rest of my body. We appreciate your question. Bleeding into the joints that causes swelling or bruising may be a sign of a bleeding disorder.'. Please tell me what should i do!? ", She mentioned dermatology possibly being a good resource for you, and added, "Skin is such a dynamic organ that some bruises can be rashes, discoloration from other abnormalities, or caused by trauma that the person does not even remember occurred. Hi my name is Kylee and Im 21. Thank you. Have you been to see a doctor regarding yours? Im 18 years old and I am experiencing severe bruising covering my legs, hips, and sometimes my stomach. It often occurs when the needle knicks a blood vessel, allowing blood to leak below the skin's surface and causing the surface to appear reddish and/or purple. Hi, Sherry. There's been no trauma and no pain. And it's an L not a one for my email. Hi, I am a 30 yr old woman and I have been getting hot and cold sweat and most recently I have a bruise on the back of my head that came outta nowhere and is very painful. Is there a name for this kind of thing? A bruise is a haematoma that forms due to bleeding under intact skin into subcutaneous tissue, caused by vascular damage or injury. They are down my legs and on my right arm and had a huge one come up on my right had today ..they are large and roundish ..i have barely got an apetite, Hi, Lynne. I live in South Florida and get made fun of by doctors for not dressing for the season, or for dressing like a depressed person they say (whatever that means, when I've been through deep depressions, I dressed the same as usual, but whatever). Your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. But i wonder where it came from. One near the knee, one a bit lower, but I don't recall doing anything to my leg. If you are a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient, you or your parent/guardian can message your doctor on My Marshfield Clinic: http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. You should contact a nurse line or the doctor who prescribed you antibiotics. If you are within the Marshfield Clinic service area and would like to view our list of providers, you can click here: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/doctors Bruising easily usually isnt a serious problem, but Jahn recommends calling your health care provider if any of these descriptions apply to your bruises. I just feel stupid going in and saying that Im there because my legs bruised. Do they just thin your blood? WebBruising after receiving a BOTOX treatment is rare, but it can happen to some. Had out happen in the middle of the bottom of my foot with my shoe On. Bruises look like big purple spots with clear edges, and youre younger than 65. it makes sense that my muscles suck; i don't work out and the anemia doesn't help, but can anyone guess why i'm bruising on my arms (besides bed manners)? But after blacking out 2 times and finding myself in an emergency room I quit for about a year and then switched to the large cans of beers. My mom was recently visiting me and was horrified when she saw my legs. I am from India. Hey, Siv. Hi, i'm currently pregnant and got blood work done 8 days ago once the lady placed the needle in my arm she said it wasn't releasing blood she missed the vein and instead of pulling it out to try again she started to wiggle the needle left to right and finally said okay i found the vein but it is coming really slow its gonna take awhile after leaving i got a huge bruise on the top of my arm where she placed the needle it's at least 2 inches long and hasn't gotten better; it started off not that dark and as days go on its like dark purple almost as if blood in under my arm leaking and its black and green. WebBruises form when small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture, most often from a bump or fall. I always get bruises all over my body by barely even touching things or having them rest on me. It is great you set up an appointment with your dermatologist as he/she will be most familiar with or have access to your medical history and current conditions. look up pilonidal cyst. Why havent other people catching a clue as to what the response is going to be, rather than continuing to post their most personal medical issues right here?.. The bruise started as 2 small ones and is now one about 5cm wide by about 2 cm high, should i see a doctor about it? So I got a shot from the doctor the outside of my biciep and now have a bruise on the lower inside of my biciep. But it wasnt preceded by any pain or itching like when I get in my size or my fingers or toes. unexplained bruises If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message your provider directly through My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, I hurt my back earlier last week it was no big deal was just reaching to put on a sweatshirt then I went for my walk when I got back I was in excruciating pain now I have a big black bruise on my lower back should I go to emergency, Thanks for reaching out. Or any other potential causes? What else could it be. Is this cause for concern? Required fields are marked *. If a loved one has a bruise that can't be explained, particularly in an unusual location such as on the face, be aware of the possibility of abuse. If so, you can send your message and questions to your care team via My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, If not, you might try sites like WebMD for insight: https://symptoms.webmd.com/default.htm. Thank you! The Shine365 comment policy explains this: https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/shine365-comment-policy/. They can best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. I'm 40 by the way. Bruises can mean a variety of things, or nothing at all. Patients who are hospitalized with more severe cases of COVID-19 are exhibiting several skin conditions other than COVID toe. https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/heart-care/pulmonary-embolism/, Or, you can try online tools like WebMD's symptom checker: https://symptoms.webmd.com/. If you're not a Marshfield Clinic patient, we suggest asking your doctor about your stomach bruise at your next regular appointment. Hi, Andrea. The bruises eventually go after a few weeks but then more appear. Hi since new year's eve, I have had bruising everywhere, my periods have stopped & I'm shaking all the time. I think I have the exact same problem. What could this be? Thank you for sharing your feedback. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on our blog and strongly suggest you contact your doctor anytime you become concerned with your health. He is the best man in the world. It is pain when touched and have a slight bump. I notice that every time I get this type of pain, I wake up with alot of bruising on my legs. It was extremely painful for the first two days and looked worse each day. Hi We have no way of knowing for certain what caused your bruise and cannot provide individualized medical advice on our blog. My rheumy says that its a symptom to my disease which they have categorized as unspecified connective tissue disease but Im starting to think that its something else as this has never happened before. What could be wrong? Hello, I too have seen a line of 5 small bruises along my left thigh. Or, if he is a Marshfield Clinic patient, he can contact his provider directly via secure messaging on My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, I just woke up the other day with 4-5 little round black and blues in a straight line from my upper outside thigh to my knee.