By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. I went to the Dr and everything is ok. She said the spotting was normal after stopping the progesterone. TTC since Sept 2011, Unexplained IFOct 12 - Jan 14: 3 clomid/TI cycles, 2 hysteroscopies, 2 IUIs, 1 BFP (MMC @ 12w), 2 more IUIsFeb 14: Gonal-f + IUI #5 = BFP! I know that progesterone is supposed to help the baby "stick" so it could be something like that. Good luck and congratulations! Stopping progesterone generally induces menstrual-like bleeding within three to five days. Stopping progesterone at 9 weeks - nervous k Kive40 Posted 14/1/20 I've seen loads of people seem to stay on progesterone until 12 weeks but my clinic stop after viability scan around 7/8 weeks usually. BFN. Stopping progesterone at 12 weeks | Mumsnet Does stopping progesterone cause bleeding? - March 2022 Birth Club It is tough to stop the injections because we grow to associate them with the reason why our pregnancy is successful so far (and it's likely true). Nervous to stop progesterone suppositories at ten weeks - DC Urban Mom Studies show about half of women who take HRT stop treatment within a year, and up to 75% within two years. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. In hormonal birth control, progestin side effects can include withdrawal bleeding and increased cramping. Why stop progesterone for 2 weeks per month? Stopping Progesterone at 12 weeks wit - Fertility Network UK Oh gosh, I hear you about being nervous to stop! Just looking for a bit of reassurance from mommas who have been on and quit progesterone supplements uneventfully in the past. Yes Freda conti HRT works to prevent a bleed (eventually when you are post-menopausal) because the progestogens interfere with the oestrogen receptors in the uterus lining and work to prevent growth and build-up - which is why the dose needs to be right for the amount of oestrogen being taken. Has anyone else stopped at ten weeks? And that resulted in, St Mary's. I was very nervous, but I trusted him (and the nurse, and the other nurse, since I asked all three. I've used progesterone suppositories for all three of my pregnancies, and I've always stopped at 12 weeks. I stop at 9 weeks. I did this with my daughter and it's what I feel the most comfortable doing. I was still nervous to stop, but when I did, it was entirely uneventful. Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. All three with Femara CD 3-7 and Ovidrel trigger. QUESTIONS ABOUT PROGESTERONE AND MISCARRIAGE - You should follow your doctor's instructions and trust that they know what they're doing. That was a huge relief! If your cycles are regular but shorter (for example, if your period starts every 2126 days), then start cyclic progesterone /MPA on cycle day 12. I know you are only doing it as an experiment, but just be aware of that. I stopped at 7 weeks as advised by the clinic and all went well, I now have a very cheeky 2yr old. 2nd Ultrasound 9/13 - Heartbeat at 124 bpm! Last night I was feeling dizzy than had light spotting when I wiped. Ideally, your serum progesterone levels should exceed 10 ng/mL on the blood test taken at the time as your pregnancy test. Which is correct poinsettia or poinsettia? I stopped progesterone at 13 weeks (currently 13 weeks and 3 days) cold turkey, per my doctor's orders, and yesterday and today I have had brownish spotting. 9 weeks seems SO early! Stopping progesterone ( extreme panic ) 10 answers / Last post: 08/09/2018 at 11:20 am. yes--but I never used the suppositories, only the injections. Vaginal progesterone gel or suppositories. LOL.) FET #1 10/23- 2 expanded blasts, Beta #1 11/1- 113, Beta #2 11/4-351, Beta #3 11/7- 1213. However, the effect of early stop of progesterone supplementation for patients with poor ovarian response (POR) has not been investigated. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. Last June I lost my first pregnancy at 17 weeks to a cord accident in utero. It would be terrible to experience a loss b/c of something as simple as progesterone so you should just ask!! Has anyone done this before? What happens to your body when you stop taking progesterone? Quote from: Hurdity on August 30, 2014, 11:39:18 AM. This provides a good environment for implantation by a . That's Monday for me. Not a Forum member? I am currently 17 weeks pregnant. If you didn't do IVF, you should be fine- well into the luteal shift by now. What to Expect has thousands of open discussions happening each day. The placenta will start taking over soon so you shouldn't have a problem, it amazes me how different OBs opinions are when it comes to taking progesterone while pregant. Try not to worry. If you're taking a stronger blood thinner like Clexane, you can stop it at nine weeks without reducing - unless you have a haematological issue that requires you to keep taking it. The point about using sequential HRT while you are peri-menopausal is that your own cycle is still fluctuating and there is likely to be unpredictable spotting and bleeding. I am going to ask if at 12 weeks I can either keep taking them or at least taper off by using one a day until 14 weeks to be extra sure. The pio needles are so large and uncomfortable and leave me in pain most of the time. At 9 weeks I went to my new dr. So I stopped at 8 weeks. AMH dropped from 4 to 1.5 in 4 months.. had it retested and came back at 1.4. What happens when you start taking progesterone? I stopped at 11 and was nervous. from the U.S., With your history of two miscarriages, I will usually be very conservative and continue the progesterone until 12 weeks gestational age. My doc doesn't even typically check levels. Please keep us informed. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. When taking progestin for menopausal symptoms, side effects may include mood changes, bloating, headaches, and breast tenderness. ChildrenUse is not recommended. The Best Way To Wean Yourself Off IVF Meds | Your IVF Journey They didn't check it again. The same timing occurs in humans. Hi Kelly- My RE also told me to stop the supps at 9 weeks, but it makes me nervous too, so I think I am going to finish out my script- I have another 14. Stopped at 9 weeks with this pregnancy. Strangely enough lots of women have a lot of spotting and light bleeds on a conti patch. Also, lots of us know the inconvenience of being over 50 and finding that our womb lining is too thick which then triggers a whole list of scans and appointments - under NHS guidelines - often leading to hysteroscopy in order to give the all clear. Although 9 weeks seems a bit early to me. But in the past few days I have really started to fear going off of progesterone supplementation. I have to ask the OB next week. Why not just use one a day for a week, one every other day for a week, then one twice a week and stop, then you have safely weaned off the drug. This medication is making me sick. He said to skip tonight, take tomorrow, skip the next night, etc. But it looks like 12 weeks is more common. I didn't have any bleeding over night but I'm still scared. He asked why I even asked him to check the numberI said because I had a concern since I was breastfeeding my son and with my daughter they monitored it often. However, medically, it would be okay to stop at 10 weeks. He said it's not all that evident that they really help and he thought my former dr. was just trying to pad her bottom line. I think Taz & HB are right re self medicating. I'm just after some reassurance from anyone who stopped earlier than 12 weeks? My RE says to stop at 9 weeks (I have enough Crinone to last me until 10 weeks). I just stopped Crinone at 12 weeks and two days after coming off they checked my levels. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. Everything looked great. My doc doesn't even typically check levels. It won't harm the baby. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). I have been on 200mg of progesterone since week 7. Do not stop taking progesterone without talking to your doctor. I don't think there's any problem with either method at any age - it is purely what works for you!!! What happens when you come off progesterone? This is what my RE told me to do.. Press ESC to cancel. I was nervous too. The risk of endometrial cancer is real. I think I'm going to taper off over the next few days in the hopes that I see the OB soon. But I had enough left (endometrin 3 times a day) that I weaned myself to two a day and then to one a day and then off. I liked the reassurance from them but who really knows if they helped or not. I've seen loads of people seem to stay on progesterone until 12 weeks but my clinic stop after viability scan around 7/8 weeks usually. I've just received another very similar tale of stopping it abruptly, see here. I asked my OB if I could stay on until 12 weeks, even though their practice is to stop at 10, and they were totally fine with it. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. (Oral progesterone does too, I believe.) Science and doctors have proven that gradually stopping the use of progesterone from the 8th to 10th week of pregnancy causes no harm to both you and the child. I just had a 8 week US/blood and everything went great. he just prescribes them without question. Baby has been tested and has no chromosomal abnormalities and my cervix has been closed. Good luck, mama, and congrats on your science baby! My RE had me go until 12 weeks but started tapering at 11 weeks. for those of you who are/took progesterone, when did you stop? I have been on them since 2 days past O, and only had the 7dpo draw done so have no idea what my levels have been or would have been without it. hello, I stopped progesterone 4 days ago and i'm having brown spotting today and I'm really worried about it. I'm so nervous, too! I didn't want to come through so much only to have a 6th mc due to something so preventable as low progesterone level. What Are the Side Effects With Progesterone Withdrawal? I also stopped at 10 weeks. When to start cyclic progesterone after your period? These individuals are often able to stop taking this hormone once the placenta begins its own production. now I am about to finish week 10 in a day and I want to stop it. 2/10/14 Transferred 2 AA day 5 blasts , 5 Frozen - Estrace & Endometrim (which IMO is worse than PIO!!). He said to skip tonight, take tomorrow, skip the next night, etc.