Saturn needs to be very careful not to interrupt, ignore, or judge Mercury when Mercury is speaking. Saturn can help Mercury clarify and define ideas, but very often ends up criticizing or belittling them instead which makes Mercury doubt, withhold, or simply stay quiet. Mercury in Partners 1st house You will inspire easy communication with your partner. Look [p] During the progressions, the two people can meet very well on a matter of business. Dear astrologers, I was wondering whether some of you have an interpretation of the following aspect in synastry: His Lilith conjucts my Pluto at 0.02 degrees, so very exact. Hotel in Taipei | Hyatt Place New Taipei City Xinzhuang The sexual exchange is dynamically passionate and satisfactory in both the heterosexual and homosexual examples. [p] They come together to share, or experience at the same time a matter of cooperation for their mutual benefit (or for a greater general good) or a coercive experience. There are few marriages in the examples. Posts: 73 From: Chicago, IL USA Registered: Nov 2012: posted January 29, 2013 04:45 PM . In any case, this person will be able to see through you on a very deep level. The marriage endured for their lifetimes. At the time of this aspect, the man's Mercury made 4 N parallels to planets in the woman's chart. A couple with Sun square Mercury synastry can have a strong tension between individual ego and the hustle bustle of communicating in the Mercurial city. Though there was the rare criticism, the two never argued or parted in any emotion stronger than pique. Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal and Transit - Astrology King In short, this sucks. She was the doctor who headed the research lab group. [p] Marijuana and all the hallucinogenic drugs will be categorically related to as drugs unless distinction is required in a specific case. What generally happens is that the security that bound the two together in the first place feels threatened on the part of the Saturn person as the personal planet person changes or grows. When your Mercury forms a challenging aspect (square, opposition, or quincunx) to your partners Saturn, there may be strong elements of teaching and learning in your relationship, as well as a deep respect for each others intelligence. His Saturn falls into my 7th house, Pisces. He does what is required and no more. just look at one of these you download, and you can see under planet positions the declination tables at the very end there, and see that N (north) or S (south) is designated after the number there. They were involved in a mate swapping club that was dramatically exposed to the public. [p] The Mercury square Moon progressions show a period of time when Mercury is drawn into domestic contact with the Moon, or has concern for his health and welfare. She was a dynamic Scorpio, whose approach to him from his childhood on was, "Do it, or else." Mercury can tap the spiritual heights with Pluto. [p] The progressions show the time when Mercury has the chance to express his desires with Mars. "Well, too bad," and he went on to other fields, leaving Saturn with a heavy financial loss. MERCURY IN SYNASTRY - Lindaland - Linda Goodman The two can easily reconcile their differences with a little effort. Mercury partner needs to gain Saturn's respect, and so tends to develop. when you use, and you go under extended chart selection, and you have a chart pulled upand you click on "get additional tables", you get a PDF that shows you this information. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Periods of emotional distance and subsequent feelings that the relationship may be too heavy to maintain are often followed by tearful and emotional reunions when both parties feel that they need each other desperately, and that the attachment runs deeper than is always apparent. Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Together, you tend to solve relationship problems through careful, step-by-step, and logical communication. Obviously, Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion, can bring someone into your life. Mercury Square Pluto Synastry: A Feast Of Unhealthy Mind Games In the beginning, there can be a real feeling of mutual respect regarding how each person uses his or her brain, how they communicate, and how they think. Synastry:MoonNorthNodeAspects [Note that a commitment doesnt necessarily literally mean marriage. [p] If both persons are able to change their personal situations to build common experience and communication, the exchange is beneficial to both. Where they reach an understanding or identification of this, the full expression of their spiritual aspirations, or their dark areas, does not blend. Saturn symbolises the structures in our lives such as career, stability, family and the 'old ways'. They had a communal voluntary cooperation in the construction of their business. Their relationship is characterized by close cooperation not only in the intellectual and educational sphere but also in . Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. [p] The Mercury who takes undue advantage with no commensurate effort loses the benefit. An example involves a couple who initially bonded with each other on many levels, one of which was a shared sense of humor. Saturn offers practical advice and tips that truly improve Mercury's life. With maturity, Mercury was able to acknowledge his mother with an understanding that led to cooperation. Saturn trines and sextiles are generally considered supportive. Many of the natal and progressed examples of Mercury square Sun are of people who meet through work or business. His logic: Aren't women supposed to be the more communicative types? [p] There is a vigor, a stimulation between the two people. There was a periodic contact, as both women bore the man children. Sun square Mercury Synastry - The Astrology Place Synastry:MoonJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts [p] In all the examples, Mercury gives some beneficence to Jupiter. Synastry:Mars-SaturnAspects [p] A young man had Mercury conjunct the Pluto of two women who made a profound influence on his life. Too much optimism is possible, to where you support each others . [p] There are more personal than business relationships in these examples, though the worldly position or business touches upon the contact. The Ascendant person may feel very cared for by the Saturn person. [p] Another couple attempted to work in cooperation on a difficult project that they were unable to complete. As adults, Mercury had periods of deep concern over the mental and physical health of one sister. In other cases Mercury underrated M.C. Notes: This classic by Ronald Davison presents the cross-aspects of each planet in synastry. Saturn conjunct Sun in Synastry=Glue? - Lindaland - Linda Goodman Synastry:SunPlutoAspects In truth, the bond is likely still there from the point of view of Mercury. both of these aspects introduces obsession and abuse, in one form or another. I'm a chatty texter. [p] The progressions have examples of more intimacy. [p] They will share, or experience at the same time a domestic relationship or situation. [p] With the Mercury trine Mars aspect, the chance for a constructive relationshup comes so easily that Mercury seldom puts any more effort into the matter than circumstances call for. They had a warm and easy exchange of sympatico, in that they both understood wuite well her husband's bad and good qualities. Lets explore Moon-Saturn interchart aspects as another example. He understands or identifies with the Moon's mental processes. Dont know the positions of your planets? Most of them endure pleasantly and beneficially. is more indicative of difficulty in getting public notice or credit of any kind. When Bobby ran away from home, Mercury wondered if he could have helped more than he had. He proved this when he took a similar position with a competitive company. [p] In another example, two people with Mercury conjunct Pluto had little personal contact. [p] In his early years at college, he met the other woman to whom he had the Mercury conjunct Pluto. Mercury conjunct Pluto in synastry indicates an intellectual connection in the first place. I would love to have mercury Saturn synastry help me edit my writing professionally. In the more shallow examples, Mercury reached no more than the surface image of Asc. [p] The progressions follow the same pattern but with less trauma. In one example a young man had Mercury sextile Neptune of an older woman who was a dear friend. [p] In those cases where there is an ego or integrity clash, or where stress comes from other aspects, they both tend to move apart from each other rather than hold a steady unity. It is certainly easier to learn from each other this way. Sun Conjunction Mars Meaning, Synastry Chart Aspect, Free Astrology She was not involved in the sex club but knew of its existence. Where Mercury does have concern for the Moon's physical or mental health or welfare, there are obstacles to block his sympatico. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. posted December 18, 2006 06:07 PM. Moon may sense a certain level of seriousness and even harshness or narrowness in Saturn that may not even exist in absolute terms. This can take the form of criticizing the energies expressed by the personal planet person. His social life is too active to not text others. There were several dynamic attractions, where Mercury began a love affair with Mars that lasted a shroter time than the progression. [p] In all cases, Mercury does relate to the Sun. The year that they met Mercury had a bloody accident in cutting her hand, and a car accident. It can be suggested that they take constructive measures in their manner of expressing energy or hostility. It must be emphasized here and now, that this aspect does not cause the violence. These included love affairs and friendships. [p] A married woman had Mercury conjunct Neptune of a male friend who fell in love with her. No. When Mercury in your chart forms an aspect to your partners Saturn, form, logic, and reality are important elements in your communications.