all of these For individualized advice, please contact your school administrators/advisers. Their Feedback is Both Practical and Emotional You want your therapist to show they care about what you're saying. As with any career, you will find the good and the bad. The NPTE for PTs is a standardized exam produced by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy. What kind of therapist should you be? In a profession where you'll hear stories of heartbreak, trauma, and sadness, you might end up bogging yourself down in the long run. If you are seeking a career focused on helping others reach their full potential, you should consider all the pros and cons of being a physical therapist. The most appropriate therapist action is to: In order for a physical therapist to practice, he/she must be educated at the _____ level and be licensed in the _______ practiced in. . Trivia Questions Quiz On Core Stabilization Training In Rehabilitation! We touched briefly on some of the locations in which a Physical Therapist can practice, but this is worth a second look! Think of a friend you've seen in recent days. Nursing Care Quiz! Regardless of your clinical rotation settings, you gain so much knowledge and valuable experience by just being under the direction of a CI (even if you aren't in the exact setting you want to be in). Finding a relaxation or meditation CD to listen to daily. Your crazy uncle is retelling another story from his past. How would you feel if you had all of those things? //