Now why would Narlene go to such lengths to lie and basically accuse her niece and her neices boyfriend of murder? Stevie Branch was also tied with a less common and more complicated knot on one side, a Figure Eight Knot. The West Memphis Police Department and other officials are being accused of stonewalling the release of the evidence for over a year and informing Echols team that the evidence was lost or destroyed. Anyway, some things the autopsy reports show us.. ~Chris was alive when he was being tied up. If they had focused on what the evidence at the crime scene really revealed, in addition to the details from Aarons interview, they would have been looking for a male or males who knew the victims well, were rumored or known homosexual or bisexual men approximately aged from 20-30 years old, and a person(s) who was free to frequent the woods in the afternoons from 5pm- 8pm at night, Monday -Thursday. AND I TOLD AARON, ARRON DOESNT KNOW ABOUT SEX AND WE TALKED ABOUT IT AND ALL THE BOOKS THAT YOUVE SEEN UM HE SAID THAT THEY HAD THEIR PETERS IN EACH OTHERS BUTTS AND SAID THEY WATCHED. This too, may have further contributed to the injuries on the left side of his face. 3:15 Michael Moore shows up and asks if he and Stevie can ride bikes together. (Charlotte Bly interview). CHRISTY, I WAS TALKING TO A GIRL NAMED CHRISTY AND SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE THOUGHT THEY HAD FOUND ONE OF THE BODIES. AARON: MICHAEL AND CHRIS SAID NOT TO TELL NOBODY. Was there anyone else who knew how to clean up blood better than Terry did? I think its open to interpretation. I wonder if Michael and Chris knew that one of the men was Stevies stepdad and that is the reason they never told Stevie what they saw in those woods. According to Billy Stewarts statement, he believes that at this time some sexual activity occurred between the men and two teens. WHAT I THINK HAPPENED TO THEM. In 1993, he was married to Pamela Hobbs and was the step father of Stevie Branch. RIDGE: ALRIGHT, YOUVE BEEN TO YOUR CLUB BEFORE WITH THEM? The fact that the knots were not all the same, indicates as well that Terry was not the only person to tie up these children. What this shows us is that Jacoby knows the truth. Jacoby knows something. Those partially digested vegetables not only prove the long held belief that the boys died around 7pm, shortly after being seen, but that Stevie most likely ate those vegetables right near 5:00 pm. These statements have protected Hobbs for seven years. I have a theory about what weapon it could have been. I remember when the news broke and sitting in my living room floor crying and holding my new daughter I have read, watched and researched as much as I could throughout the years. In fact, she too brings up that Buddy was working that day as if that proved anything. We do not know whose pants were the ones inside out for sure and whose pair of pants was not, but we do know that Michaels shirt was the only one not inside out and none of the buttons on his shirt were ripped off. Join Nancy Grace for her new online video series designed to help you protect what you love most your children. He claimed that along with his cousin Rex Heath, he gave Jessies dad the barbecued chicken and went home. I do believe that some of the injuries on Stevies penis came from himself, from excessive masturbatory play. Considering that the boys were unconscious, this knot seems to have been used out of sheer habit. was terry hobbs ever found. In that letter is a story about four men going to the woods, smoking marijuana and possibly engaging in sexual activity. Experts for the defense have claimed it is a bite mark and experts for the prosecution have claimed it isnt. However, I do believe that this was Terrys murder and he controlled it. More specifically, turtles had bitten and clawed at Chris penis and scrotum as he lay for 18 hours in a muddy, watery ditch. A couple of months later, French contacted the police and her landlord after Hobbs reportedly came into her home and grabbed her breast. Damien Wayne Echols: DNA testing contradicted false confession We know that the boys clubhouse was right next to a pile of 2x4s which again supports the notion that the boys were discovered right by their clubhouse.). WHAT HAPPENED THAT DAY WHEN YOU GOT OUT OF SCHOOL WHAT WAS IT THEY WERE GOING TO DO THAT DAY? Is it merely a coincidence that Terry Hobbs was a former butcher and that he grew up working on his familys pig farm? I was almost 21, a new mom and lived just across the bridge, in Memphis when the murders happened. When police told him they were going to polygraph him about Jessies alleged confession, Buddy immediately admitted that he had lied; Jessie never said anything to him about the murders. In both Billy and Bennies statements, i.e. LG, as well, had raised some suspicions himself by carrying on an unusual relationship with a much older man. First of all, she claims that her husband, her three children and her sons girlfriend were all in the car that night and two of her children even testified in court about the sighting. Stevens mother, Pamela Hobbs, worked a shift at the Catfish Island restaurant the day her son vanished. Apparently, David initially hit Chris in the face and head with his fists until Terry came over and ordered the boys to be stripped. Its likely that Terry was already heading to Billy Stewarts home since, according to Billy, he was Terrys drug dealer at this time. In March 2022,Damien Echols said in a tweet that hell be back in court on June 23 with his law team as they try to get access to DNA, found in the case evidence, to a lab for testing. HES NEVER SEEN THEM, AARON: CAUSE IT WAS ON A FRIDAY WHENEVER HE WENT DOWN THERE WITH US. AARON: BEFORE THEY DID ANYTHING THEY WENT UP TO MY MAMAS TRUCK AND THEY ASKED HER IF I COULD GO OVER TO MICHAELS HOUSE TO GO UH, GO, GO WITH, GO WITH THEM TO PLAY SOME WHERE THAT WAS WHERE OUR CLUB WAS. Problem is, many of the things he says about him are also true for the WM3, at least Damien. He was one of four children and came from a strict and religious family. I dont know. Jacoby is adamant to anyone who listens that Hobbs is not his friend. 8 A. Terry knew that Stevie was with Michael Moore. And since she couldnt have known this from a sighting, because the sighting never happened, then it must be from some other source. When questioned later by police, he claims that on the day of the murders he was heading out to meet up with Jesse Misskelley at his Lakeshore trailer but never met up with him. Years later it was discovered by experts for the defense that a knife had not caused the injuries to Chris penis at all. If Terry was truly involved in a homosexual act directly before this attack took place, it makes sense why he would carry out an attack of this nature on Chris genitals. The question, however, is why wasChrisdegloved and not the other children? apparently Terry said just 2 weeks after the deaths that Pam was neglecting her duties as a wife, apparently Terry was jealous of how much Pam loved and gave attention to Stevie. When the boys bodies were discovered, there were found in the Blue Beacon Woods right next to the alleged clubhouse where the boys played. Look what you made me do! It is completely illogical to believe that LG would have driven nearly ten minutes away to get the phone number of someone who was in walking distance from him. Especially considering how extremely rare it is for a victim to be tied in this manner. Due to the possibility that they wiped these items on their skin, I believe Terry would have taken those items with them when they left. Why was he lying? After Terrys attack on Chris groin, was when, allegedly, David hit Chris till Buddy believed he was dead. Its difficult to know all of Narlenes reasons but I have a feeling about one of them. So, according to Aarons mother, Vickie, the clubhouse, which was located in the Blue Beacon Woods, was a spot where her son often went to play and any time he was late to come home it was because he was out playing in those woods. However, according to Billy, one of the boys kicked Terry after he was caught and brought to him. Not until it was learned that Terry was using Jacoby as an alibi and that a hair that was found at the crime scene turned out to be consistent with Davids DNA. Jamie and her sister believe that this occurred at 6:30, while their mother believes that the boys were playing in her backyard somewhere between 5:30-6:30pm. Did TH kill Stevie to "get even" or was it just his rage gone too far? Pam concedes on one condition: Stevie must be home by4:30 or he will be grounded from his beloved bike for two weeks. Sound like way to describe some ritual, smoke signal, face paint stuff. D, J, and J's DNA was not. And, it had to have been between 5:30 and 6:00 because Chris abandoned his skateboard by 6:00 and joined Stevie on his bicycle. He will take it to his grave but some people in the town know and I'm not sure why he isn't and wasn't under more suspicion. CHRISTY, I WAS TALKING TO A GIRL NAMED CHRISTY AND SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE THOUGHT THEY HAD FOUND ONE OF THE BODIES. This is supported by evidence as well. The new documents. Terry Hobbs absolutely killed the boys and the neighbor girl said he had seen them right before the boys died. If you're into dick as an adult, you're gonna find your community. In truth, this theory would finally explain and clarify, really,why the boys had animal hair on them if they were pulled from the water. This is a big deal. random bruising on legs that don't hurt madonna university room and board was terry hobbs ever found. However, knowing that a DNA sample was found on Stevies penis coupled with the knowledge that Chris may have allegedly been bitten on his penis and scrotum as well, I feel the chances are quite high that Stevie, too, may have been bitten in his penis. My theory is that Chris had tried to get into his home and failed and was heading back to Stevies house when he was picked up by his dad instead. If she really didnotsee Damien on the road that night (which shedidnt) why was shesosure that Damien was not with his mother? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Even worse, Terry claims that he had arrived at Jacobys already searching for the boys, while David claimed that Terry arrived with the boys behind him in the street and apparently told David that he was allowing them to play until dark. Then for a time, I thought it was JMB. And its about time we started putting some pressure on him for some real answers. WHAT DID YOU ALL HIDE AND WAIT FOR THEM? Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 in Northern Arkansas, one of four children, son of Edith Raylean McLeod Hobbs and Joe Dean Hobbs, Sr. Hobbs, Sr. learned his trade as a butcher while in the military and went on to open thirty restaurants. A Calhoun County man has been missing for weeks now, leaving his family searching for answers. THEY UM. I also believe that Stevie was punched by the teenage boys, mostly by LG, but for the most part, and according to the confessions they mostly restrained him. She was completely off in her description of the way they looked and the way they were dressed. When Hobbs finally contacted the police, he did so from a payphone, even though the boy hadnt returned home at 4 p.m. as instructed, and neither had Christopher or Michael. The Messed Up Truth About The West Memphis Three Murders - ( source) One of the most significant pieces of evidence to support this allegation comes from the medical examiner who did Stevies autopsy. And for two, David claims to have seen the three boys in front of his house at 5:30 when he opened the door to let Terry and Amanda inside. She yelled for him to get out of her home. I really wonder if Aaron did see something, at a previous date. One of the 8-year-olds is Hobbs' stepson, Stevie Branch. This report details an incident where Damien got into a physical fight with another student and made numerous threats against him and his family. Jackie Jr. survived the shooting, but died years later as a result of complications pertaining to his injuries. One of them even went up and knocked on the door and spoke to Michaels sister, Dawn. Dixie came to work later and Linda Hollingsworth came in asking about where L.G. AND I TOLD HIM, YOU KNOW WHAT WHY DIDNT YAWL LEAVE WHY DIDNT YOU COME HOME, WERE YOU SCARED? Who Is Terry Hobbs, Stepfather Of West Memphis Three Victim? | True This is a theory about what could have happened the night of May 5, 1993. Its extremely rare that a murder would take place directly after sexual activity that was unrelated to the victim, but if it did happen, it wouldnt be a stretch to assume that it couldcontribute to a perpetrators desire to strip the victim naked, tie them them up in a sexual and demeaning manor and then attack their genitals. NARLENE: She meant the mommy, the daddy and the son,(LG) she said I dont know whats going on over there and she said, they are making me nervous, shes a christian girl, she said and I got out of there, I said yeah, I get bad feelings around them too. However, she drove a small four door car and there would be no room to pick up her sister if she already had six people in her car. When prosecutor John Fogelman interviewed Buddy later, Buddy repeatedly told him that he had an alibi for the 5th despite the fact that Fogelman never even brought it up himself. However,wehave the ability to read all the information and evidence that is available to the public, and its not difficult to see that itallsupports that this theory is more than just a theory. I could continue to list the ways that Mr. Douglass' statement is wrong, but I don't think I have to. RIDGE: DID YOU EVER TELL ANYDODY ABOUT IT? What other reason could there be? They believed something inappropriate may be going on between the two, who practically lived together. The question about Terry having a drug dealer name Ray could also possibly be significant. In other words, a bite on Stevies face would likely mean that his perpetrator was a parent or step-parent. RIDGE: IS THE WOODS HAVE THEY GOT A NAME THEY CALL THEM ROBIN HOOD IS THAT RIGHT? If anyone might know where the boys were going or what their plans had been for that day, it would most likely have been Aaron. [2] Judge Brian S. Miller dismissed the case and subsequently ordered Hobbs to pay legal fees incurred by the singer in the amount of $17,590. [5], In 2003, Hobbs was arrested for possession of marijuana and found guilty.[6]. NARLENE: She meant the mommy, the daddy and the son,(LG) she said I dont know whats going on over there and she said, they are making me nervous, shes a christian girl, she said and I got out of there, I said yeah, I get bad feelings around them too. The two teens jumped in the truck with the men, stopped by Billys home and bought the weed and then drove around the back streets of West Memphis, smoking and drinking whiskey. Yup. Michael was later stripped, perhaps so he would not stand out. It also would have allowed Terry to take things to the next level; if he began with seemingly innocent orders he could have continued things that way, escalating events with each command. The question about Terry propositioning David Jacoby has lead some people to defend Jacoby, claiming that he would not have told people he was propositioned if he really had a secret gay relationship with Terry Hobbs. A year or so after Buddy admitted to Bennie of his involvement, he also allegedly confessed to Billy Stewart and described to him what happened. RIDGE OKAY, DO YOU REMEMBER SPECIFICALLY WHETHER YOU MAY HAVE GONE OVER TO JESSIES ON THAT DATE? The ME noted the extremely pale look of Chris skin as well as the lack of water in the lungs, and it was clear to him that he had bled to death. Left: Buddy Lucas Right: LG Hollingsworth. Its been so long ago you know it may not be in the right order but I know he did come over around 5:30/6 oclock and we played the guitar for a while and then he said he had to go. What would allegedly happen next is one of the greatest indicators that the statements made by Billy and Bennie are in fact true. It seems more likely that someonesawHobbs make a pass at Jacoby and then told Natalie Maines lawyers about it. (1, 2, 3) This means that not only did Narlene lie repeatedly to police and in court, but she convinced her two children to lie under oath as well. That he was still wearing the same clothes is very telling. Not only are their alibis remarkably different, they actually contradict and conflict with each other. I allege that Terry tied up one side of Stevie and then told either Buddy or LG to finish doing the other side. Yet, when Jared asked about the evidence possibly being tested in the future, Hobbs said he was against testing anything else and as far as he was concerned, the case was solved when Echols, Misskelly, and Baldwin were arrested. that triggers narcissistic rage, he blacks out with rage and goes too far. No. But if Chris was merely bitten and stabbed, and did not actually have his penis or scrotum cut off, as was once believed, this would have provided an injury severe enough to have killed him (ie: bled out) while also allowing turtles and attracting turtles, in fact, to make the final injury after death. WM3 Defense Team Unveils New Evidence Against Victim's Step-Father - KATV terry hobbs | The Puzzle of the West Memphis Murders And even if he did work the day of the 5th, its the late afternoon/night that is important. I believe, that the ME was speaking of long term sexual abuse of a child. And that is extremely significant. If the mark above Stevies eye truly is a bitemark that is also powerful evidence in support of the Bennie/Billy statements. One of the mysteries of this crime is the location of the bodies in the drainage ditch. (source). VICKIE: ARRON TOLD ME THAT UM HE AND MICHAEL AND CHRIS VISITED THEIR CLUB HOUSE EVERYDAY AND THEY ROAD THEIR BIKES AND THEY WERE SPYING ON 5 MEN AND AH I ASKED HIM WHO THEY WERE AND HE SAID I DONT KNOW MOM WHO THEY WERE I JUST YOU KNOW WE JUST SPYING ON EM I SAID WHY WOULD YOU BE SPYING ON 5 MEN YOU KNOW AND HE SAID WELL THEY WERE THERE EVERYDAY SO WE WOULD WATCH THEM. West Memphis Three. They had been stripped naked, hogtied and beaten. When police were searching for the boys on the fifth, they were not inspecting a crime scene, they were simply trying to find three boys. As Brent Turvey wrote in his profile of the criminal, the man who perpetrated this act against Christopher is a closet homosexual who carries shame about his homosexual tendencies. Apparently, the medical examiner stated that the fine scratches on Stevies penis are similar to those from children who have sexually abused, i.e: given oral sex. Sorry in advance to those of you who are tired of reading about this case! Three boys were seen riding their bikes around the neighborhood of West Memphis, last seen heading to the Robin Hood Hill woods at 6:30. These boards were right next to the clubhouse which means that when the boys were caught, they most likely would have been caught very close to where these boards lay, easily seen to the naked eye. RIDGE OKAY, WHEN HE LEFT DID HE TELL SOMEBODY WHERE HE WAS GOING? Why was shesosure, in her mind, that Damiens mother was lying about being with him all night? Upon arriving home with his younger daughter, he told police that he did not see his older step-son, Stevie. He also confirmed that one of the teens, Buddy Lucas, had admitted to his involvement in the murders with the other three men. 92.According to L.G., Mr. Hobbs snapped and hit the boy with severe force in the head two or three times. This is actually supported by various testimony, which I will bring up later. My suspicion is that LGs parents knew he participated in this crime ( I will touch more on this later) and Narlene, being LGs aunt, probably had some limited knowledge of his participation, too. Terry was born in Northern Arkansas and grew up in the Ozark Mountain region of the state. AND THAT WHITE TANK TOP MAN. 3:00/4:00pm. Humiliation is a strong word and punishment for the situation. (Vickies interview 1993). As Michael was carried back to Terry, he allegedly kicked him. : de-gloving, was because of animal predation that occurred after death. To add further suspicion, LGs cousin, Domini lived within a five minute walk from Richards house. Hobbs was sentenced to six months in prison for aggravated assault. Clemente emphasized that someone who wants to know why the children were killed would likely encourage any and all evidence testing, as its one step closer to understanding the heinous murder. I think its likely that Terry took the board with him as well to dispose of later or had it thrown in the bayou. SIDEWAYS AND WE GOT IN OUR CLUB HOUSE. Coincidence? He was home during the evenings when his wife worked a four-hour shift at Catfish Island. I thought, surely, if this is a lie, it will be discredited quickly by known facts and information. This would have allowed the four men approx. Additionally, a bite on the face during murders/attacks is not only common in homosexual attacks, like a bite to the scrotum is, but it also common in Battered Child Syndrome. VICKIE: ANY TIME MY CHILD DIDNT COME HOME ON TIME THATS WHERE I WOULD LOOK FOR HIM, RIDGE: OKAY, YOU HAD BEEN THERE ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS? Chris was only spotted on a skateboard up until 6pm. If the men left the woods by 8pm and searchers did not arrive till around 10, that would give stray dogs approx. After the boys wrestled, the men offered them more marijuana and whiskey. When you realize that Michaels body was found by the tree and not by where he was placed on the bank, you conclude two things. The West Memphis Three Trial: Who was the real killer or killers? Vickie Hutchinson described the clubhouse like this: RIDGE: WHAT DID THE CLUB HOUSE CONSIST OF? Is there any possible reason why they wouldnt have stopped? However, according to Billy, one of the boys kicked Terry after he was caught and brought to him. My theory is that Stevie finished dinner and took off with Michael again to find Chris, and Terry and Amanda then headed over to the Jacobys home. The most significant of them all, was the specific act of taking the bikes to the bayou, which were very likely with the children inside the Blue Beacon Woods. Both Guy and Stewart have tried since 1994, thirteen years before Terry and David were even suspects, to tell the authorities what they had been told. Two private investigators looking into the case on their behalf eventually turned their sights on Terry Hobbs, Steve's stepfather, because his story did not add up -- he had claimed that he had begun searching for the boys at 6 pm on the day they had disappeared when in reality, they had only been reported missing at 9 pm. 9 Q. Terrys own daughter allegedly told family members, including her mother, grandmother, cousin and aunt that she had been abused by her dad and two family members even claimed to have walked in on Terry abusing his daughter. French reported that prior to the incident she had gone to the Hobbs' home after hearing what she believed to be a domestic dispute. It is likely that you will come away from this with a clear understanding of who murdered Stevie Branch, Michael Moore and Chris Byers and why. This could mean that Terry could have arrived sometime between 8:45 and 9:00pm. HE SAID WE WENT THERE EVERYDAY BUT WOULDNT GO ON FRIDAY AND I TOLD HIM WHY HOW DO YOU KNOW FRIDAY? If LG had been dropped off at home at 4:30, surely he would have changed out of his shirt and tie by 9pm.