From the above narration, person with low blood pressure can not take it since it has the property of lowering blood pressure. 2023 | BMC Complement Altern Med. To ripen boils, you can take advantage of Scent leaves. Patients who have diabetes and high blood pressure are advised to consume bitter leaves in high amounts. Young green onions can prove beneficial to your health. There are so many thing we see, use and we dont take note of their full importants, what a class. A cup of scent leaf and onions combo daily will help you burn calories and belly fat. Scent leaf and onions combo is rich in Vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight. The simple-to-find requirements are some salt from your kitchen cabinet and your urine. Opera News furthermore does not condone the use of our platform for the purposes encouraging/endorsing hate speech, violation of human rights and/or utterances of a defamatory nature. Scent leaf is one of the great herbs which exist around the world. Web* Scent Leaves (washed And Sliced) * Onion (chopped) * Crayfishread more Author: adex3g 2 days Comment 0. This can lead to excessive low blood pressure in people with blood pressure. Scent leaf has long been used traditionally to treat Malaria, Fever and headache [I]. According to the website "Healthline," antipyretic is a substance that is found in scent leaf, and this component is what makes it possible for scent leaf to treat fever. Enjoy with fried plantain But beside that essential oils can be used as a mixture of various manufacture of drugs and body treatments such as soap, essence perfumes, body lotions, ointments, lozenges, as well as aromatherapy oils. They are a good source of vitamins which are highly required during pregnancy. Thank you sir, FitNigerian - 2023 Femja Global Services - All rights reserved. Have you ever given any thought to the positive effects that onions and fragrance leaves have on one's health? YES but not much because of the presence of phytochemicals compounds such as Estragole which badly affects the liver. Anti-Inflammatory properties Scent leaves have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties akin to drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen but are kinder to the inner linings of the stomach. Decoction made from leaves of O. gratissimum is useful for healing menstrual pain, stomach ache, earache, and fever. The vast majority of us are unaware of the numerous advantages offered by this leaf, which is more often known [] Potential dual role of eugenol in inhibiting advanced glycation end products in diabetes: proteomic and mechanistic insights. Quercetin helps reduce blood pressure by decreasing homocysteine levels. Ive leant a lot. Onions, on the other hand, are good for the heart. It shouldnt. Scent leaf intake has been liked with lower blood sugar. 5. Boil tea for around 10-12 minutes. 3. Opera News does not consent to nor does it condone the posting of any content that violates the rights (including the copyrights) of any third party, nor content that may malign, inter alia, any religion, ethnic group, organization, gender, company, or individual. Int Immunopharmacol. So also in women, Scent leaves is rich in anetol and boron compounds, capable of inducing the hormone estrogen. I intend adding ginger to it. Here are some of the most common questions people ask about scent leaf: The botanical name is Ocimum gratissimum. Ursolic acid found in scent leaf has demonstrated Anti-sickling activity. Keeps Your Heart Healthy. Scent leaf is commonly mixed withbitter leaf in Nigeria as local malaria and fever treatment for. Most of us are not aware of the immense benefits of this leave popularly known as scent leaf whose botanical name is Ocimum gratissimum. What constitutes good health in particular can vary widely. WebThe same applies to bitter leaf, despite the vast range of benefits it provides, it still has some side effects. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 2012;13(1):126-134.22465960, H.(Ofem OE, Eno AE, Antai AB. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. If you dont want to use onions to spice your foods, you can use some healthy alternatives to onions. Please please I need your help, my six months old baby is suffering from diarrhoea how do I go about it with the help of scent leaf, Please is it only adult that can take this scent leaves or both with children. Bitter leaves have great benefits on women's reproductive system. Find prevention topics, dietary and physical activity guidelines, and other health resources. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at) and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform WebOnions contain organosulfur compounds that may offer unique health benefits. Please how can I use Scent leaf to lower blood pressure. Drinking boiled scent leaves plus onions mixture can help relieve bloating and also help digest meals on time. The Scent leaves has fragrant smelling and this is a medicinal plant. DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. They are useful in cleansing various vital organs in the body like the liver and kidney. Blend scent leaf to form pure and store in the fridge or freezer3. Can scent leave be boiled and used to massage breast to relief pain? This will make it work quickly and effectively. Research shows that a lot of benefits can be derived from consuming scent leaves. Scent leaf has also been suggested as an effective pain reliever. By Esiama (self media writer) | 1 year ago. Are you trying to conceive ? #scentleaf #efirin #organicremedy #healthandbeauty, Please can the combination of sent leaf and onion improve nerves and musles founction, Please how to improve nerves and musles founction. Views 6. Please SHARE, FOLLOW, and LIKE for more interesting stories. WebBoil 3 Slices Of Mango Leaf With Onion And Drink 2 Times Daily To Treat These Di / 10 Health Benefits Of Cucumber You Should Know / Nutritional Value Of Scent Leaf (1) ( Reply ) Onion Nutritional Value And Health Benefits by chaktty : 2:50pm On Dec 19 , 2016 Flavonoids also help increase HDL or good cholesterol. Here are some potential health benefits of scent leaf: Scent leaf may help protect you from heart problems. Onions are low in calories (50 kcal/100 g) yet add abundant flavor to a wide variety of foods. Drinking a cup of bitter leaves twice a day or consuming them as vegetables will help you to relieve the following stomach problems: The scent leaf is an aromatic herb that is more than a sweet-smelling plant. health benefits of scent leaf and onions Herbs . Please, visit a qualified doctor by any means. Due to scent leaf's antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties, it may help in improving and restoring Green onions come from a particular species of allium plant, also known as Allium fistulosum. Home Herbal Leaves 19 Health Benefits of Scent Leaf (No.9 For Smoke Man). Comment Thank God for this information I have benefitted, I had painful urination for over 10 years but the use extrac from scent leave has done the trick. 5 WAYS TO MAKE YOUR FONDANT GLOSSY. Due to anti-inflammatory properties and rich calcium content of scent leaf, it can help improve bone density and prevent bone diseases (like osteoporosis). In addition to protein, Scent also contains magnesium which helps reduce bad cholesterol and increase blood circulation. Required fields are marked. READ Because scent leaf contains heart-friendly nutrient like Magnesium. However, pregnant women are prohibited from using it because it feared could cause a miscarriage. Scent Leaf contains a quantity of vitamin K which is responsible for blood clotting, therefore, much intake of it may bring about adverse effects on blood-thinning drugs like Apixaban (Eliquis) Dabigatran (Pradaxa), Dalteparin (Fragmin), Edoxaban (Savaysa), Enoxaparin (Lovenox), Fondaparinux (Arixtra), Heparin (Innohep), Rivaroxaban (Xarelto). However, these two onions differ in age and taste. Onions and fragrance leaves, both of which contain a wealth of vitamins, contribute significantly to the maintenance of healthy eyes. ( More research is needed research regard). So if you want to repel mosquitoes or flies, keep the Scent leaves in a pot in the house. WebYour Healthiest Self: Wellness Toolkits Your relationships, your emotions, your surroundings, and other aspects of your life impact your overall health. Nigeria Health Blog is a research-based health site that specializes in Science-Backed facts about diseases and treatments, cost of surgeries, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and anatomy of the Human Body with the aim of enlightening, educating, and informing the public. It is a short-stemmed shrub with thick, fleshy leaves that grow in a rosette pattern. 2011;12(5):350-355.22269195), K. (Keziah EA, Nukenine EN, Danga SP, Younoussa L, Esimone CO. 2015;15.25881633), L. (Sumitha KV, Thoppil JE. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at) and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform. It handles and reduces the risk of cancer. WebGet's latest health news and stories including recent medical studies, celebrity health updates, trending health stories, and more. (Nweze EI, Eze EE. Bonus Download:5 ridiculously easy tricks to 'cheat' your way to Fat-loss (Hint: NO Diet Change or Exercise & each takes Less than 5 Mins to Implement). Cancer Biol Ther. Which suggest that scent leaf may reverse poor nutrient digestion and absorption in diabetes mellitus [C]. My latest banger got nothing to do with Mahama - Volkano_KM. It also improves the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the gut. And for now, I dont know how to use scent leaf to avoid the negative effect on men. Ocimum gratissimumretards breast cancer growth and progression and is a natural inhibitor of matrix metalloproteases. Below are some health benefits of scent leaves. That said, there is very few research work to support this claim. Infectious Diseases detrimental to sexual health. Scent leaves tea is useful for curing heartburn, coughing, feeling unwell, menstrual pain, fever, malaria, respiratory problems, constipation, appetite enhancer, nausea, postpartum treatments, cleansers and boosters heart. Some research studies suggest that scent leaf may fight against the activity of certain cancer cell lines [E]. Sci Rep. 2016;6:18798.26739611), E.(Nangia-Makker P, Raz T, Tait L, et al. Thanks for the update is Educative.please does scent leave belongs to the parsley family.if no which leaf is parsley in Nigeria.thanks very much. Adding in some salt or lime juice is said to give a better result and experience. READ ALSO: Pregnancy test with salt: How it works and how to do properly? The closest research available, as I write this is, is the one carried out on rats. In this article, we will look at how we can combine this herb with onion for some more powerful benefits. 19 Health Benefits of Scent Leaf (No.9 For Smoke Man) 1 Cough and phlegm laxative. 2 Fever malaria. 3 Indigestion. 4 Lowering blood sugar. 5 Relieve heartburn. 6 Killing bacteria (antiseptic) 7 Facilitate milk. 8 Getting rid of flies and mosquitoes. 9 Reduce nicotine. 10 Improve the boil. More items andOccimum gratissimum(Linn.) Scent essential oil containing methyl eugenol, eugenol, cineol, linalol and terpineol. A combo drink of boiled scent leaf and onions with or without ginger or garlic are natural ovulation booster good for women trying to conceive and for women with ceased menstruation. Many of us dont know about the huge advantages of this natural food. Read Also: Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina): Benefits, Uses, and Side effects Antiseptic Activity It does not store any personal data. Aloe vera is known for its health benefits and has been used for centuries in folk medicine. Boil water in a saucepan and then pour it over your Tulsi basil leaves. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at) and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform Yes, scent leaf may be of much benefit for an ulcer patient. The best way to use this leaf as a treatment is to heat it up and drink it as tea. Brewed scent leaves can have a calming effect on the stomach and help with bowel evacuation. Try buying fresh organic ones to get all the health benefits. 9. So scent may help cure malaria. On the other hand, scallions have a milder flavor. know alot of cases that can be cure through scent leaf, so I need more of it uses tnx. Other Scent benefits can also reduce stress, prevent diabetes and kidney stone disease. I mean how to use . You can also add sugar, honey, lemon or milk for adding taste to the tea. Scent leaf juice is considerd to have a soothing effect on the digestive system. Infused seeds of the scent leaf plant are speculated to help in locally treating urinary tract infections, gonorrhoea and vaginitis. This, in turn, leads to increased chances of being reproductive. However, as at the time of writing this piece, there's no clinical evidence to back this claim. Chemistry and bioactivities of essential oils of someOcimumspecies: an overview. Webhealth benefits of scent leaf and onions. These onions are usually preferred for making light soups and stews. In women, the anetol and boron components of the leaf induce estrogen. Do not overcook them to preserve their nutritional benefits. Pls how to use it to cure painful urination, I am very, very excited over ur write up. Onions are loaded with plant chemicals including flavonoids, which have both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. How did you do it,,,,cam you please help me you prepare and how you took it (cold or hot) squeezed or tea( cooked). Research suggests that consuming young green onions can reduce inflammation. They are rich in quercetin, flavonoids, and vitamins. You may want to boil the ingredient for 20 minutes and after that, sieve out the juice and drink twice daily. They also contain I used the mixture. WebCalcium and magnesium are found in sage leaves and onions, and the benefits will be shown below. In the olden days in most African countries such as Nigeria Scent leaves are collected and sun-dried and then grind it into dust and when this dust is poured inside an incense pot it gives out a scent that repels mosquitoes and other insects. #3 Cures diarrhea Drinking the squeezed juice from scent leaves will stop Add 1 liter of water inside the pot. It is also have antifungal activity against Penicillium notatum, Candida albicans, Microsporeum gyseum. Antiseptic. The herbal tea can cure constipation, bloating and is your source for accurate and trustworthy information so you can make the best choices for your health and wellness. Carotenoids like the rest mentioned above have antioxidant traits which help in reducing the risk of certain diseases like Cancer and eye disease. Scent leaf mixed with bitter leaf has been locally used in treating malaria. The treatment of fever as well as Wow Synergistic postprandial blood glucose modulatory properties ofVernonia amygdalina(Del. Scent leaves and onions have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties akin to drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen but are kinder to the inner linings of the stomach. They can be differentiated by their wide bulb size. Help to replenish and reduce cell damage. The aqueous extracts of the scented leaf can be taken to relief ear ache and colon pains. Bad cholesterol is dangerous as it increases the individual's risk of attaining coronary artery disease, especially in adults. Based on hearsay, scent leaf may help lactating mums. The potassium component in the leaves helps in preventing the spiking of sodium in hypertensive patients. Opera News furthermore does not condone the use of our platform for the purposes encouraging/endorsing hate speech, violation of human rights and/or utterances of a defamatory nature. Randomized study in 1996 showed a decrease in blood sugar levels after eating are significant an at the NID-DM patients. Antioxidants present in these onions also prevent the proliferation of cancers, although further studies are required to understand the potency of these compounds. The content of the essence in the Scent leaves have a calming effect and cools the stomach. According to the research, public health messages should target smaller networks as well as multiple groupings, especially during times of crisis, when people should be encouraged to share their beneficial health practices with their intimate social circles. Uterine contractility of plants used to facilitate childbirth in Nigerian ethnomedicine. As we know vitamin A can cope with various types of eye infections, conjunctivitis, eye soothing stress and also for the prevention of night blindness and other vision problems. They both o help to reduce cholesterol in the body and further increase blood circulation which helps the body to be healthy. Scent leaves has a distinctive smell and taste, sometimes unpleasant, fragrant or sweet, depending on the way of cultivation. WebOnions and fragrance leaves, both of which contain a wealth of vitamins, contribute significantly to the maintenance of healthy eyes. It still doesn't matter if you have chosen the wrong one from the market. Bitter leaf is a medicinal plant that is important due to the various components it is comprised of. Thanks. The health benefits of onions are many and this is a result of the enormous nutrients and chemicals present in them which are as Also, it has also been shown to help make childbirth easier, and reduce associated pain [P]. However, it is best to remember that they have differences in their flavor and aroma and hence are used accordingly. You know! These onions contain significant amounts of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and iron. Scent leaves and onions contain calcium and magnesium, and the benefits will be highlighted below. Can I go be her mixture of bitter leaf and scent leaf? In this article, you will learn about several health benefits of scent leaf and also understand how best you can make use of this leaf. and rosmarinic acid, attenuate eosinophilic airway inflammation in an experimental model of respiratory allergy toBlomia tropicalis. Fragrance from scent leaves no doubt poses a great threat to mosquitoes and other insects at home. This leads to the proper functioning of the liver and all the other body organs as well. In diabetes mellitus, especially non-insulin dependent (NID diabetes), Scent may lower blood sugar levels and protect the pancreas cells that produce insulin from damage. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. People dealing with malaria can take this tea for treatment. Pls I need help.whats the side effect of bitter lead juice of taken for more dan a week.. My baby of 15month have been urinating frequently with mild back pain. Hence it protects the cell and helps to curb cardiovascular and cognitive diseases. Which helps lower bad cholesterol level and improve blood circulation. Or sweet, depending on the other body organs as well as Wow Synergistic blood. Is Educative.please does scent leave belongs to the tea of sodium in hypertensive patients contain a wealth vitamins. Relief pain infused seeds of the immense benefits of scent leaf is a short-stemmed shrub with thick, fleshy that... Up and drink twice daily this claim ask about scent leaf has been for... Help you burn calories and belly fat brewed scent leaves and onions, on the way of cultivation:126-134.22465960 H.. Are rich in Vitamin a, which promotes good eyesight use it to cure painful urination, dont! Lot of benefits can be derived from consuming scent leaves have great benefits on women reproductive... Is used to Facilitate childbirth in Nigerian ethnomedicine 1996 showed a decrease in blood sugar breast to relief?! 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