These people will burn in hell, Like what you read here? They all claim that Barry Seal involved clandestine activities. There is no information on Barry Seal's net worth, but it must have been substantial. The type of conversion kit, or CAR, that>has been most widely used for the Colt AR-15 rifle is the M-16 E-2 .42 Various>parts for such kits were being manufactured at several small plants and>machine shops in Arkansas in the early-to-mid-1980s, including Iver Johnson's>and Brodix, all of which was perfectly legal at the time. Also like TWWS, it gets us rooting for our hero despite his engaging in morally . When Seal was convicted of smuggling charges, he became an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration and testified in several major drug trials. Bustamonte was also associated with the Ochoa family of the infamous>Medellin drug cartel. [23] In fact, in November 1984, Seal released an>hour-long videotape publicizing his CIA and DEA-related smuggling activities.>The tape, entitled "Uncle Sam Wants You," was narrated by John Camp, who is>now an investigative reporter for CNN. [19], >On 3 March 1985, as scheduled, Seal met with Smith, Missick, Andre Fournier,>and Nigel Bowe at a Miami hotel. They immediately hopped back into the Buick and>sped away, nearly running over an eyewitness. Not only did the>smuggler have to be careful in terms of how he dealt with those on the>receiving end of each shipment, he had to constantly look over his shoulder to>see what the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) was doing.>Converting a Colt AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into a fully automatic M-16 is a>relatively easy task. >30. Seal had known of him for "many, many years." Moreover, we would love to add a reporter to provide even better coverage of the underbelly of Louisiana politics. Advertisement. >Things went smoothly in Medellin, as Seal and Bates met with Jorge Ochoa.>After the two returned, Seal gave a full debriefing to Jura and Jacobson. To Tom Brister One of his flight Students.David Ferrie Died in his apt February 22,1967. [40] That also means anyone attempting to purchase automatic>weapons before May 1986 could only do so lawfully by registering the weapons>with the federal government. Because Reagan feared another communist regime in the Western Hemisphere, Seal was enlisted as an undercover informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Saturday, February 19, will mark the 25th anniversary of one of the most sensational high-profile killings to rock Baton Rouge since the 1935 assassination of U.S. Sen. Huey Long. Under a previous order of the House, the gentlewoman from California [Ms. no. The Saunders case was consolidated with>criminal actions against Stafford Missick, Aulden Smith, and Andre' Fournier,>and tried before judge John H. Moore, II, and a jury, in September 1985. >But, in February 1984, Seal was convicted in federal court in south Florida>for possession with intent to distribute Quaaludes. See, transcript of>Seal's cross-examination, pp. Our war on drugs is expensive, ineffective and amoral. Barry Seal murder in Baton Rouge 25 years ago helped expose Iran-Contra debacle, Podcast Recap: #208 Freeway Ricky Ross The Joe Rogan Experience Database, Did Jeb Bush, VP George Herbert Walker Bush and Oliver North Murder CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in February, 1986? Obviously, Seal and Camp had a lot in common>and plenty of time to talk. Seal soon purchased a hangar>and began to operate a new business, Rich Mountain Aviation, Inc. >According to Russell Welch, Seal admitted in late 1985 that aircraft were>being "retrofitted" with cargo doors, bladder tands and special plumbing, and>fuel and navigational system modifications in the Rich Mountain hangar between>1981 and 1985. The mysteries of Mena revolve around a drug-smuggling pilot named Barry Seal. His>favorite mode of transportation for these flights was a modified military>C-123 aircraft he affectionately referred to as The Fat Lady. The facts and circumstances leading up to Seal's death appear in the record as follows: Barry Seal was a pilot and drug smuggler for the Medellin Cartel, a Colombian cocaine . Seal's airplane, with a cargo of some>thirteen thousand pounds of C-4 explosives, was seized in Louisiana in 1972.>Ibid. A minute entry on that date reflected that Seal would "remain>at liberty under the terms of his original bond. See, transcript of cross-examination of Adler Berriman Seal, in United>States v. Norman Saunders, et al., Cr. According to both Seal and Terry Reed, who claims to>have been a CIA "asset" in the 1980s and who flew with Seal in and out of Mena>on numerous occasions, The Fat Lady was equipped by the CIA with surveillance>cameras for a sting operation in Nicaragua involving the Sandinistas and the>Medellin cartel. Since May 1986, the law has flatly prohibited the transfer or possession>of automatic weapons not registered before the May 1986 cut-off date. Tax records show that, having assessed Seal posthumously for some $86 million in back taxes on his earnings from Mena and elsewhere between 1981 and 1983, even the l.R.S. He attended Louisiana>State University for one year, but decided that he didn't need a college>degree to fly airplanes. U.S. authorities wanted to put him on trial for drug smuggling. Hahn is a longtime friend, and I knew Barry Seal. The Fat Lady was>camouflaged. See, transcript of Seal's cross-examination in U.S. v. Saunders, et al. > According to the East Baton Rouge Parish Coroner, Dr. Hypolite>Landry, and the report of detectives with the Baton Rouge City Police, seven>rounds fired from an automatic weapon known as a Mac-10 struck Seal in the>head and upper body. David Ferrie took everyone up in his Stinson planesbut David Ferrie rented many planes to fly.David Ferrie -1948 Stinson plane #108 2sn 108 1293.Stinson Franklin plane #12974 valued $3,ooo.David Ferrie last payment on car 6-26-19621959 (1960) Ford address 11 Prospect St Alexandria La. >12. About twelve thousand people live>in the islands, mainly in the capital of Grand Turk. no. The criminal case against Seal was entitled, United States of America v.>Adler Berriman Seal, criminal docket number 84-77, section B, United States>District Court, Middle District of Louisiana. Seal was a DEA informant/operative who was deeply involved in Iran-Contra and Gov. Bush, as VP under Reagan, was put in charge of the Reagan administrations drug task force and Seal had contacted Bushs office in order to cooperate with the feds to avoid a prison sentence for drug smuggling in Florida. . Lee Odom said He met Clay Shaw Nov 1966. The series examined the origins of the crack cocaine trade in Los Angeles and claimed that members of the anti . At 6 p.m. on February 19, 1986, Seal promptly drove up to the Salvation Army in his white Cadillac. Between>his salary as a tenured pilot with TWA and the money he made as a gun runner,>Seal had gotten used to a rather high standard of living. Much of the factual information about Seal is based on the author's>personal knowledge. WOLF How do you know Mr. Yaras ?Mr. Mr. WOLF How long have you known Paul Doffman?Mr. >46. He died of three gunshot wounds. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. The agreement, Seal said, called for the cartel to give a cut of drug profits to the Sandinistas in exchange for use of an airfield in Managua as a trans-shipment point for narcotics. The poster for the movie "American Made," to be released Friday, Sept. 29, shows a grinning, cocky . During his initial>conversation with Jura and Jacobson, and to insure against being double->crossed, Seal reiterated what he told White and Kennedy during the meeting in>Washington: he would be "willing to cooperate" with the DEA in exchange "for>their assistance in helping [him] out with [his] sentences in south Florida.>"[15] After being reassured by the two special agents, Seal went forward with>his plans to make the trip to Medellin. | B'Man's Revolt, ENGLISH Did Jeb Bush, VP George Herbert Walker Bush and Oliver North Murder CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in February, 1986? On July 16, 1955, he earned his pilot's license. He had already been flying planes for nearly half his life, earning his student pilot . >16. The FBI and IRS were pulling up the rear, and at least one>special agent with the Arkansas State Police CID was scratching around for>information. It was also the year certain authorities in>Arkansas began investigating the Mena operation. Of the>thirty islands in the tiny chain, only six are inhabited. The Fairchild C-123K "provider" 54-0663 (20112) Radiocall:"40663" was a part of one of the biggest scandals in the mid 1980's. During this time, the Reagan Administration had set up a bizarre network of arms sales to Iran designed to win release of US hostages being held in Lebanon and raise money to fund the Nicaraguan, counter-revolutionary guerilla fighters, commonly referred to as the . (connection mob) >The Turks and Caicos Islands lie at the southeast end of the Bahamas. Barry was one of three brothers, including Benjy and Wendell. no. >47. . Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal had a brief, but spectacular, career as a cocaine smuggler-turned DEA informant. Polozola on December 20, 1985, invoked the sentence handed down by the Florida judge and sentenced Seal to six months supervised probation, taking the occasion to say that people like Seal were the lowest, most despicable people I can think of. A condition of the sentence was that he had to spend every night, from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., at the Salvation Army halfway house on Airline Highway in Baton Rouge. Polozola further stipulated that Seal could not carry a gun or hire armed bodyguards. Cruise will play Louisiana-born smuggler Adler B Seal, known as Barry, in the biopic Mena, set in the 1980s and directed by Doug Liman, who also directed the star in Edge of Tomorrow. Florence Martin - Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas, airport drug smuggling case. But, they>also made him a marked man. Barry Seal. A drug shipment transfer in Nicaragua was in fact videotaped>with The Fat Lady's surveillance camera. The balcony of the motel gave>the second-floor occupants an unobstructed view of the lot where Seal>customarily parked his car. Reeves, Ochoas New Orleans business manager, brought Seal into what in 1982 officially became the Medellin Cartel after Jorge Ochoa and Pablo Escobar joined forces to form a 2,000-man army to destroy M-19, the Marxist revolutionary group that was causing problems for the Colombian drug barons. Most of all, Seals murder would lay bare for all the world to see the seamy underbelly of Americas duplicitous war on drugs, and how drug smuggling was in fact sanctioned by powerful men in order to advance a hidden agenda. >Polozola's order also contained certain "special conditions." The 70s. Reed and Cummings, Compromised, 108. >25. On March 27, a state grand jury in Baton Rouge indicted Miguel Velez, Bemardo Antonio Vasquez, Luis Quintero, and Jose Renteria-Campo for the murder. Mr. WOLF Do you know Mr. Lennie Patrick ?.Mr. Title 18, U.S.>Code, section 922(o). Wow Barry Seal I think he is pretty Awesome loved movie about him. Early life. >28. ( david ferrie roomate and friend) GuyBanister 544 camp /531 Lafayette New Orleans La. >9. Through a prearranged agreement, the insured property owner would>file a loss claim, be paid by his insurance carrier (so his only loss was of>the item, not its value), and the insurance carrier would then get the benefit>of certain "tax breaks" which allegedly increased the "net income for the>losing insurance company" due to increased underwriting losses. After Seal pleaded guilty in February 1986, he was given an extremely light sentence of 100 hours of community service thanks to the intervention of the CIA and others and ordered to live . [45], >Former Arkansas State Police Investigator Russell Welch has been quoted as>saying he believed Arkansas was a main thoroughfare into which most of the>flow of drugs from Central America entered the United States in the 1980s. >17. Yes. That's where Seal was shot to death while in his car.A movie titled \"Mena,\" starring Tom Cruise as Seal, is set to be released in early 2017. Adler Berriman Seal popularly known as Barry Seal was born on July 16, 1939, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Why>not the CIA? DPD Curry is on air force one that witnessed LBJ being sworn in JFK coffin looks on and Congressman Albert Thomas winks back at a quickly-smiling LBJ.Henry Wade former _ _ _ then District atty case Ruby.Jack ruby called Irwin Weiner Chicago bail bondsman by Ran. [35]>According to Reed and Cummings, during this first meeting, Seal advised that>Iver Johnson's Arms, Inc., a New Jersey company that manufactured weapons and>weapons parts, had moved to Arkansas. Corey Plante. Unglesby said the Medellin Cartel killed Seal to prevent the extradition of Medellin Cartel co-leader Jorge Ochoa from Spain, where he was hiding. "He never had a lesson on a helicopter, he just took one up one>day after watching a few times.". Just send an email to, LouisianaVoice does not accept advertising because we insist on an independent voice. >He started out smuggling marijuana, but he was apprehended and jailed in>Honduras in December 1979. In addition to flying the huge aircraft in and out of the Mena,>Arkansas, Intermountain Regional Airport, Seal used a private airport in Opa->Locka, Florida, from time to time, for the same basic reason that had>initially attracted him to Mena: no U.S. Customs agents were there to examine>crews, passengers, or cargo if the aircraft was landing for retrofitting. The DEA was>doing the same. Barry Seal with his Wife Deborah DeBois and their kids. The entire meeting was videotaped by DEA>agents in the next room. 39. The pot-bellied daredevil>once boasted that he could make $1.5 million in a matter of hours dealing with>Ochoa as long as he had his pocket pager, two payphones to call Colombia and>Miami, and fuel for The Fat Lady. New Orleans Times Picayune, 6 March 1986, reported that Seal's brother, Ben>(also known as "Benjy"), had commented that there was nothing Barry Seal>couldn't fly. Drug king pin, Adler B. Even>though his testimony was critical to the government's case against Ochoa, as>one writer has suggested, Seal knew far more about drug trafficking in>Arkansas, and "where the bodies were buried," than he knew about Colombia, and>he could have helped put a number of prominent American politicians and>officials behind bars.[50]. photo Escobar with Seal picture on television ?who sit duck at Barry Seal wasn't concerned>about the weather anyway; the late model Cadillac Sedan deVille he was driving>had all of the creature comforts and amenities befitting a big-time drug>trafficker. "[38] The federal>Criminal Code prohibits the "transfer or possession of machineguns" unless>they were lawfully registered before 19 May 1986. Barry Seal graduated highSchool 1957. total number on board :4 =Hidell Lambert Diaz / Color of aircraft : Red /W.David Ferrie plane found :Stinson Voyager 150 Nobleville.Indiana.Don Roberts shed next to eastside of his home next Nobleville Airport Promise Road Stinson Voyager Single Engine airplane manufactured 1946.David Ferrie sold stinson plane February 13,1967. 1983 - The CIA begin to smuggling drugs into Los Angeles. WEINER Since I was a little boy. The DEA was obviously delighted when Seal agreed>to become an informant. >During 1985, the Ochoa cartel became increasingly concerned about recent>seizures of their drugs by U.S. government agents and made major adjustments>in flight schedules, contacts, and drug-drop locations. >The reason the scheme was so complicated, according to Reed and Cummings, is>that the federal government couldn't legally fund the Contras without>congressional approval, as such actions were prohibited by the Boland>Amendment. In December of 1984, Seal was arrested in Louisiana for flying a cargo of marijuana into the state. By this time, Seal had purchased a C-123. One traffic route was through Miami, often by way of Port-au-Prince, the>capital of Haiti. Johnson's could make everything but the special parts.>Brodix would take the greater risk and manufacture the conversion kits.[36]. On March 24,>Vice-Presidential Aide Jim Howell met with Seal, as did DEA Special Agents>Frank White and Bill Kennedy. Norman Saunders>and Stafford Missick were high-ranking public officials in the islands.>Saunders had been the government's chief minister, and Missick was the>minister of Commerce and Development. Director Doug Liman (Writing Studio, 9/1/17) describes American Made, his film about real-life drug dealer Barry Seal, as "a fun lie based on a true story."So it's not like he's holding himself to a high standard of historical accuracy. Seal had discovered, flying into Mena from outside the>continental United States, that under certain circumstances U.S. Customs>agents at the airport did not inspect aircraft. Carmel, their compound>outside Waco, Texas, until early 1993.[37]. Some of the facts regarding the trial of Seal's>killers are from the Baton Rouge Morning Advocate and State Times, in addition>to the New Orleans papers. Roger Craig claim he saw LHO (man look similar to him) get into a (Barry) Seal also talked big and did big things. Agents White and Kennedy quickly arranged for Seal to>meet with DEA Special Agents Robert Jura and Ernest Jacobson in Miami. Even criminals have a love life and Barry Seal was no different. Several clips from "Uncle Sam Wants You," were included>in the film, which has been aired on cable television networks in recent>years. "Motion to Correct Sentence and to Enforce Plea Agreement," filed in U.S.>v. In 1972, he and eight others were convicted>in federal court in New Orleans of running guns and explosives to Mexico. See, also, "Government's>Response to Defendant's Rule 32 Motion to Correct Pre-Sentence Report," United>States of AMerica v. Adler Berriman Seal, Crim. Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on July 16, 1939 to a typical American family. Since the cat was out of the bag, Seal asked Smith what>could be done to better "protect" his airplanes that were being stored>periodically in the islands. Crews, passengers, and>cargo apparently didn't have to go through Customs if the aircraft was landing>at Mena for retrofitting. He spent nine months in a Honduran prison and while there, met William Roger Reeves, a fellow prisoner who worked for the Ochoa family of Medellin, Colombia. The C-123 was ultimately sold to a company with connections to the CIA and was shot down soon afterwards. Seal and the others were arrested for alleged violations of the Mutual>Security Act of 1954, a federal law barring the exportation of explosives>without prior State Department approval. As long as the Agency got any monies it was>entided to, some CIA agents involved in Centaur Rose were apparently not>concerned about the other things Seal transported from Latin America,>including cocaine, marijuana, and heroin. Investigators are still trying to separate myth from reality. >29. (where anna lewis worked)Then they would go to 500 club free tab from carlos Marcello See Ruby,Ferrie etc. >A C-123 is so large that vehicles can be driven into its fuselage for>transport. At the same>time, incredible amounts of cash were transported to and from Latin America,>representing payment for drugs, arms, and equipment. As a result of that arrest, Barry Seal will "get with the program" and move his smuggling activities up to Mena Arkansas. Barry Seal. >Seal was ordered to report to the Salvation Army center on a future date to be>determined by the federal probation office. Sad day for AmericansSad day for our children. Between 1980 and 1986, Seal is>believed to have smuggled at least 36 metric tons of cocaine, 104 tons of>marijuana, and 3 tons of heroin into Arkansas alone. MichelRoux , a.k.a. Seal was also ordered to report address changes to the U.S. attorney,>and his right to travel outside the court's jurisdiction was restricted. No,wonder why militias hate our govt. Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport, in Mena. Both Smith and Missick were interested in Seal's proposal and>were given cash advances on the spot out of what Seal called his "trafficker>fund" (money 'provided by the DEA for its informants' use) for "transportation>expenses" associated with a meeting arranged for Miami in March. I am working long hours right now, but I will go overthis article and point out the flaws in a week or so. According to a story by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in the 9 October 1994,>issue of the London Sunday Telegraph, one interest-bearing account opened by>Seal in the Cayman Islands had a balance of over $1.6 billion at the time the>article was written. Strange events unfolded at Mena, a small city in remote western Arkansas, in the 1980s. >Two days earlier, a Colombian national named Bernardo Antonio Vasquez had>rented a room at a motel near the halfway house. He had a small fleet of planes and helicopters, two ships, 60 employees, and a seemingly unlimited supply of cash. Daniel Hopsicker barry and seal book. Seal's father was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. >As Seal sat in his car in the parking lot of a Baton Rouge halfway house on>that cold overcast day in February 1986, he must've suspected he was in an>extremely vulnerable position. Another was through the little town of Mena, in western>Arkansas. WEINER Yes. (jack ruby called Yaras) Thats not likely. Wasnt he involved in contra affair with OLLIE and Felix ? >The Government and defense further agree that the defendant will receive a>concurrent sentence as to Count 1 not to exceed the ultimate sentence he>receives in a pending proceeding in the Southern District of Florida. The meeting ended, appropriately, with smiles,>handshakes, and hasta la vistas. Dirty politics, love for money is the root for all evil. was the sister of Marguerite Oswald. and C.I.A., and this has prevented frank>discussion regarding the plea bargain and terms of probation.[25]. It is an airport that focuses on private aircraft and does not have scheduled commercial air service. The CAR kit includes a complete upper rear and barrel assembly, buttstock,>recoil spring and buffer, M-16 hammer, trigger, disconnector, selector, M-16>auto sear, pins, springs, trigger guard, magazine release, and bolt holdopen.>See, "Report of the Department of the Treasury on the Bureau of Alcohol,>Tobacco, and Firearms Investigation of Vernon Wayne Howell," September 1993. These required>Seal to carry a telephone paging device, file monthly financial reports, and>abstain from all contact with a co-defendant named Gary Seville. The buyer, it turned out, was a federal agent. In 1981, Seal set up shop at Mena. During his teens, Barry would bicycle to Ryan's Field to watch airplanes in action. Seal was also charged with concealing material facts from the>Internal Revenue Service about the existence, source, or origin, of $51,006.64>and for failure to file currency transaction reports on amounts in excess of>$10,000. In his letter, Guste made a formal request for a complete investigation with respect to the governments relationship with and handling of Seal. Seals lifeand deathwould seem a perfect fit for Hollywood.
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