The whole movie seems based on stuff Bernadette said and from her point of view which is a bit unfair. Kirsten ran from the car and Bernadette pursued her. Kirsten wont grow out of hers, Bernadette took that chance from her. Luca's friend and the man got out but, despite firefighters' best efforts, Luca didn't. Probably was, she allowed 2:girls to take the blame. Her fellow students said she was a huge part of the school and will be sorely missed. Yes, Death of a Cheerleader is based on a true story. Everyone loved my friends because they were funny and not rich. John even if Kirsten was as mean as Tori Spelling (which BTW she wasnt) that is still no right to Murder her. For murder! You that said Kirsten was mean, dont know her, or anything about her. Kirsten Costas, who had just finished her sophomore year at Miramonte High School in this scenic, affluent suburb, was killed at about 10pm Saturday, Contra Costa County . If you ever saw Saved by the Bell the new Class Lindsey on that show reminded me a lot of what Kirsten was like. Maybe they were all misunderstood. Other outsiders felt like they were excluded from her group to. So before you start judging Kirsten, first get facts. She joined a popular clique and was noticed everywhere. The evidence supports nothing more than the finding of murder in the second degree. She did have the cutest clothes of all time and knew it. How do you know she was mean? Read about the real story instead of talking crap. Just because the Costas had millions of dollars and Are socialites Of the upper class community Does not give their family the right to treat others like dirt. I agree Bernadette should of at least got 20 years like (Karen Severson and Laura Doyle) murder of Missy Availa, that happened a year after Kirstens like 5 hours South of us. Honestly! Everybody who knew her just loved her well most everybody. That Movie was nothing like the real Kirsten. Kirsten, the apple of the eye, soon began to make waves at school. I was on a few adult precision ice skating teams, and let me tell you, some of the women who were on the teams were a hell of a lot worse than high school girls!! Im sorry if I offended anybody here with my earlier comments. The ones no one else liked theres a reason usually. I want popular, but had friends who were, I didnt sulk about it, I did sports, not clubs or cheerleading. One got drunk at a Party you told about on here, and the others who were not Noticed and the 2 blamed. But to portray her as a Mean girl teen is off limits to the real Kirsten. Admin Garret. Ive been able to live with it for a while but I cant ignore it Im even worse than words can describe and I hate myself ., In a P.S., she wrote, Please dont say how could you or why because I dont understand this and I dont know why. How is obsessing over this going to solve the problem? My god you women are something else. Naturally, you might be wondering if that is the case here. Seems like alot of a holes justifying others that are a holes sorry no justification theres no reason to act like an a hole young or old, you treat all ppl with respect and the way you yourself would like to be treated dont need parents or Bible school to learn morality, any person who trust to justify any bad behavior has no morality or class in my opinion, and theres a post somewhere that says girls went along with bullying so they werent the ones being bullied lol, what a sad excuse thats called being a coward and a follower and has nothing to do with popularity depending on what ones warped definition is of popularity its not how a person looks or what they have or how they act but how they are perceived by what they do by inspiring ppl its being admirable and nothing is admirable about acting like trash talking scans that need to put others down to feel better about themselves thats just lowlives that probably pick on the handicaps as well real big of them, thats no one by definition that I popular some ppl must have thier definition all messed up and who says theyre popular anyway them lol Im sure every group thought they were the special ones, but by lowering ones level to picking on other ppl harassing demeaning and taunting them eventually theyre going to come across the wrong ppl who dont take that bs, and Im not justifying murder but it takes more than a bad comment on a pair of boots to push someone to that point, Im sure she didnt share all of the abuse she was subjected to, but I definitely compare scum that target other ppl to feel better about themselves like the leader of the holocaust and if thousands or plausibly millions werent followers of some psycho with an inflated ego than millions of ppl would have never been tortured or murdered all because scum bags like the ones that come up with excuses for bad behavior cant stand up for whats right because theyre pathetic loosers that are too afraid to stand up for whats right and they ate no better those ppl who did nothing and followed hitler were all conspirators and complicit and there are a multitude of cases just like that which is why ppl need to stop with there warped sense of wanting to belong to some misfit group that is the furthered thing from what is popular is really all about. I agree with Karen, you cant prove Kirsten bullied Bernadette. Lisa Thorner: 5 interesting facts about Damon Wayans' ex-wife. As Kirsten headed towards her house from Alex's car, she spotted Bernadette on the street and headed towards her. Secondly, if you actually did your research on the true case, and not some Hollywood movie who portrayed supposedly Kirsten, who was of Greek American heritage a blond, and Bernadette, who was the real blond, a brunette. Kirsten was the life of the party. She probably just told her off, like she did the others. She had an issue, and if what Kirstens friends say are right about her and being so bold to outspoken maybe she recognized that the girl wasnt wrapped too tight but being young didnt know the term, hence calling her weird. I also think that its utterly ridiculous that she got only 9 years for committing murder. And the color pictures of the school are photographs I took. Im not saying that she should have been killed, but sometimes bad behavior has a terrible outcome which is why we all need to teach our children to respect the feelings of others. READ MORE: The real death of a cheerleader story (1985). Oh youre so pretty and popular and amazing I think thats what Kirsten meant by her friend getting weird Then she killed her rather than have Kirsten tell everyone she was a lesbian. I understand wanting to have what your friends have. Is it respectful to write in another comment that Kirsten had it well deserved, which suggests that you think Kirstens murder was justified? Now that you know, have fun looking around! Worry about this Virus that is killing people Worldwide. So yes Kirstens friends still get together at times, but they dont discuss Bernadette or the death of Kirsten, as a matter of fact,( they dont want it brought up at all). They laughed, I think Kirsten was only teasing Nancy and Joanna they didnt mean any harm with it. Giving our McDonalds name Dont prove you know them. How is that possible. Its unknown what happened to Peter Costas (Kirstens younger brother). I agree with Miss Kiwi, I believe Bernadette was dangerously obsessed with Kirsten. She never meant harm, as for Bernadette, Kirsten sometimes teased her, and she would be nice to her to, she just was angry for being lured out under false pretense to attend a so called party, and when Bernadette told her feeling about Kirsten, it freaked her out, she spotted something immediately, and she was right. Same for Bernadette, but she had to make this choice that will change her life. They probably rubbed her the wrong way, or got on her nerves somehow. B was so quiet of a person we figured just talking about something like that made her sick. She mostly liked everybody. I cant picture Kirsten being Mean or Rude, so hard to picture that one. Her self esteem was riding on Kirstens approval! I watched the movie again (both versions) and I have to agree with Miss Kiwi. No excuse for what she did, BTW she was not the poor White trash the Movie deployed her to be, she had a nice home, and was just as well off as Kirstens family, lived on the better side of town. So dont feel Sorry for her. No matter if she was cocky or snobby; irrelevant. Kirsten Costas was the cheerleader in question; she was also a star on the varsity swim team at Miramonte High School in Orinda, California. Bernadette made a horrible decision by ending a girls life, if she left her alone, B wouldnt be in the mess she got herself in, she kept pushing for her friendship. As with the earlier movie, it's a loose fictionalization of the 1984 murder of high school sophomore Kirsten Costas . So youre justifying Murder due to bullying? that HS was a tough place especially for girls. So Mats Bernadette was Sweet. To anyone that wishes to support Kirstens memory, and believes Kirsten didnt deserve what happened to her, please have a look at, and join her Facebook Memorial Page. She considered her parents too old and also felt that they were not listening to her. One version is that she was so good and bullied and another that she is a monster prepare to kill just like that? Kirsten was adorable. Some girls said she was mean to people, we all have opinions, but Im sure she was smart alecky at times, what teen girl isnt, even Bernadette was I bet as well. if you came at her the wrong way like Bernadette did, or kids no one else liked cause they were so annoying to be around. Bernadette was popular to, she was just wanting to be Kirsten, and Kirstens approval meant so much to us all, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette till that fateful night, She never cared either way, Bernadette took it so serious and it became (serious) and fatal. I still cant help from thinking that, but largely I think B killed K because K was blocking B from her rise in popularity. I also believe Nancy and Joanna were nice girls that had thier moments also. I didnt know her, but had a friend whos Facebook friend did. What happened to a lot of those girls fro Kirstens group? Even if Missy and Kirsten were Bullies bo reason to Murder them. If she was mad, she should of just beat the crap out of Kirsten, not kill her. I believe Bernadette tried to friend her, and as I read and I do believe she acted on impulse, I believe she was just so enraged she snapped and did the (unthinkable). Kirsten wasnt a bully. Who Is Killing the Cheerleaders? (TV Movie 2020) - IMDb But I do know that two families had to move out of town because the girls wore all black and kept to them selves.. The original movie featured stars like Kellie Martin and Tori Spelling. She didnt hate anyone (as I said) just didnt like the way they acted. Where are you these days? Those girls wouldnt allow you in their groups in classes, they would exclude you as an earlier article stood. PS: If you liked this article, please share it! And How!!! Dee I dont agree with you, so Kirsten and them had you on a project assignment and they didnt include you in the circle, you ever thought maybe you gave signals you dont belong, or why didnt you ask them to allow you, people cant read minds. They grow out of it as they get older. I think Kirsten probably threatened to tell everybody their bizarre conversation in the car that night. She didnt deserve to die. Using friends names there, they altered her friends names for Privacy rights. One reporter wrote that by the end of the tape, even Berit Costass head was bowed. Asking a butt of yourself getting it. There is no justification for murder, and I am not siding with the criminals, but you can push someone so far. She refused to. Some are quick, rich, own the finest and the most expensive of anything. The script for the movie was written by Randall Sullivan who wrote the one-sided scathingly critical Death of a Cheerleader article for Rolling Stone, which the movie was based on. Bernadette was nice to, but she had hidden obsessions. Did you ever think that she would not want to try to defend herself in court with letting out the terrible things Kristen said to her and how she berated her and others because she was sorry and she felt as though that would only add insult to injury to Kristens family? She didnt care wheather her mom or dad suffered, she just would not subject herself to something like suicide because she loves herself more then anyone else. The people involved in the case are local residents, driven by an amalgamation of insecurities and human greed. I think NOT! Well said Sarah. The teen girl died in a fire at 6 a.m. Sunday morning in the Orinda home where she lived that is now the site of a growing memorial. featured an interesting article about the English actor and model that gained popularity in NBCs short-lived drama, Emerald City. Calling her a B and saying she dressed nice in an interview. Can you give examples of Kirsten bullying Bernadette? Bernadette only got in that Exclusive Club cause a friend who had pull nominated her. Also there Was another girl who went out with the football team and accused them all of raping her, not the entire team, but several players and I hear she was ran out as well and dogged by the Students. Newspaper headlines from the real-life Death of a Cheerleader story Love indeed. She served her jail sentence, got released early and is living an everyday life today. So those who say she was a real mean girl, dont know, cause I heard differently. Mats you knew those Girls? Theres a reason why they changed the names for the movie because it was a fictionalized version and seemed entirely based on Bernadettes version of events and not anyone elses. Killed a girl because you were jealous? Instead of walking home, she accepted her friends' offer to drive her home. Im not sure about that case, but Kirsten I cant picture her being a bully, yes telling how she felt, that she did well. The only freak in this tragic story is Bernadette. Just some girls on interviews said she was just self absorbed but no bully. Kirstens friendship meant so much to her, she would go on and on about it. Lets make it a great Memorial for Kirsten. My friend was a friend of hers. I hear Kirsten was Beautiful inside and out. If she would of left her alone, Kirsten wouldnt of ever bothered her, those TV movies Kirsten wasnt nothing like Tori Spelling, in the 2nd movie a little maybe she was like that girl, but more funnier. I liked Nancy Kane, she got tired of having to be something she wasnt, they looked down on her well. Knowing you though youll never have the character or the balls to do this and that was the reason you arent in whatever popular grip you killed to try to get into. Kirsten had exotic features from her full volumes curly locks to her tan skinnot to mention her eyes were also sky blue. Do I believe Kirsten was a Mean girl (bully) not at all, I believe she had those she didnt like and may of been Snooty towards that got on her nerves. She said Bernadette was kind of Snooty also. But those others today are still a lot of fun. Another DJ initials it was said she was bullied relentlessly as well. Unfortunately, no one was home as nobody answered the call. Was Kirsten a smart aleck , dont know but tell me a teen girl who isnt! She let it be known. The murder of her daughter, Berit says, was premeditated from the moment of the phone call. An example that shows that Bernadette didnt have respect for Kirstens family and shows how detached Bernadette was from killing Kirsten was that she appeared to have no inhibitions about attending Kirstens funeral. My School people didnt accept you, then you were out and ran out, all Schools are like that. If Bernadette was so Sweet would of never murdered. I was the daughter of a single mom who was a teacher. Im still scrolling through your crazed obsession. Her house too, apparently had paint peeling off, and was not the type of place she imagined herself to be living in. Sheriffs deputies said Kirsten Costas, 15, was stabbed repeatedly after she was given a ride home by a Moraga resident, who was not identified. In more conservative societes in the world(its not USA) the educators and family see these things in the early stages and try to prevent them. 5 Horrific Murders (and the TV Movies made from them) Bernadette Protti | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers Google it and Season 1 thru 3 Lindsey is on there. If you were a no body she didnt roll with you. Too bad Bernadette WAS a pathetic psychopathic freak. I got the impression they were both Stuckup ( Bernadette and Kirsten) they were friends to. Was she snotty to? Bernadette is a physchopath and a Killer, and always will be. Bunch of Bernadettes lurking around everywhere. People in Orinda arent worried about this so much anymore, for all over the World were in times of need and Sorrow. i remember always thinking that Bs case would had been much different today. As you have likely seen from Bernadette Protti's documentary, Kirsten Costas was murdered with a butcher knife out of jealousy by Bernadette Protti. She was rushed to the hospital by ambulance as police secured the scene. Thats a win win. Kirsten was almost identical to that, no like Tori Spelling. Kirsten was nice, yeah, she and a few she didnt like, but they were the kids no one liked. Especially someone who not only blames the murder victim for her brutal murder, but also blames her innocent parents? It sounds like she was only mean one time about her having cheap ski boots. Is it respectful to perpetuate lies about a murdered teenage girl due to a fictional depiction? I heard they ran Several girls out not just them, they Demonized one to where she had to Leave portraying her as a Tramp over some guys. Bernadette later wrote a letter to her parents confessing to the murder. Kirsten liked almost everybody. Honestly teens do deserve another chance at something eventually. Kirsten really wasnt big enough to be a Bully and she was more into Social things and School Spirit than bullying others. That girl on Deadly Women who portrayed Kirsten was almost perfect, watch Landscape Suicide and they show a girl portraying Kirsten talking on the phone and laughing listening to Music, that is the closest to Kirsten Costas that can be described the best. That part of LPs life is over with I guess. I cant believe they made a movie that was so offensive to the real victim. Heres how to party like its 1969, See some slimming and sexy 1960s stretch pants, Print Color Fun: Free coloring pages & more fun for kids, Quotes Quotes Quotes: 1000s of clever & inspiring quotations, Find answers to lifes little questions. Aside from her family conditions, Bernadette Protti had other underlying problems. The Lifetime movie serves as a dramatic retelling, where we see how a girl decides that she can be popular and accepted at school, by befriending one of the more beautiful classmates. Shes still a Murderer and will never be anything but, as long as shes Alive, I wont forgive her for it, and neither will Kirstens family and friends. No reason for Murder cause someone is what you arent, or ever will be. Both were members of the swim team, but Costas was reportedly much more popular than Protti, according to the Associated Press in 1984. However, internet sleuths have long been fixated with uncovering Bernadettes latest location, and identity. Your lack of self awareness is both amusing and perplexing. I was wondering why she was so pro-Bernadette. She had a sort of ombre style in fact which was kind of weird in the 80s, but cutting edge. I hear Bernadette dont want anything to do with anyone from her past at all now. The Costas family is doing well and went on with life. So tragic that Kirsten was brutally murdered. We should educate our children, our minds and our souls. Later, she would throw her T-shirt and sweatpants in the garbage dump of the Sleepy Hollow Swim Club. 'Death of a Cheerleader' follows the story of two girls in Hollybrook High, in the fictional town of Colina, California. Why deliberately refrain from giving examples if she could have been accused of first degree murder? Your comments continue to reiterate the plot for the movie Death of a Cheerleader. My kid knows better than to bully others. After the attacks start again, Ellie must find the killer before they get to her. People looked up to her to.. But Kirsten didnt deserve to die, some of those girls changed and are more sensitive. This girl lives in San Francisco and knows a person who knows someone who knew Kirsten. Hostile people do. She is still Crazy as always. Changing your name does not change your being, by the way. Also Bernadette wasnt bullied or singled out, thats BS. As a result, many students believed that she was responsible for killing Kirsten. Kirsten she liked everyone, she wasnt any bully by any means, she was so cute and funny. Costas, a Miramonte cheerleader, was murdered by fellow student Bernadette Protti in June of 1984. She and her BFF were both Odd. No Tori Spellings character in a fictionalized movie was a bit mean. My Son was Murders in a drug deal gone wrong. Melissa Womer: children, Jim Carrey, net worth, latest updates. It was to Personal. Is the Action-War Epic 'The Dirty Dozen' Based on a True Story? So you are offbeat to, for defending a Killer. Do you really think its acceptable to lure someone out of their house under false pretences and then expect a positive reaction if your lie is discovered? I dont know what to do. Stacey (Tori Lockwood) played Kirsten Costas, while Angie (Kellie Martin) played Bernadette Protti. You appear to be making up scenarios in your head about Bernadettes life and have difficulty differentiating fact from fiction. There were more than just Joanna that were singled out at Miramonte, I read other stuff there were quite a few that felt like they werent socially accepted. And yes, I was bullied in high school too. Kirsten was gorgeous! My comments arent gossip. Sorry but the parents are to blame. So thats not bullying, thats rejecting you, cause she knew Bern was off beat. The story of Bernadette Protti: Everything you need to know Bernadette was sweet, cant imagine her even capable of something like Murder, but she was. She called Kirsten's home while she was away and told her mother that her daughter was invited to a Bobbies' dinner, and it was a secret. Even before I read about the real case, I thought the movie blamed the victim way too much. The crime happened way back in June 1984, in the town of Orinda, California. Im sure at Reunions they are. Kirsten had a good heart though. We know Bernadette has issues, you that like her and defend her have Issues as well. Thank God Im out of high school now and dont have to deal with all that social crap. Kirsten was Snooty as well, so were the Stacys and the other Kirstens that ran with them. Kirsten and Bernadette were both well off. She picked up Kirsten for dinner as promised, using her parent's car. We need an Memorial Page set up for Kirsten. Maybe Snooty, but no Bully. Death of a Cheerleader is one of the most famous movies of real-life murder cases involving cheerleaders. Bernadette is hated to all over so she has answered for it. She still is as far as Im concerned. So Kirsten should have been perfectly okay with the fact that Bernadette lied to her to get her out of her house alone and then drove her to an empty car-park and appears to have confessed feelings of admiration for her?
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