Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. O God forgive me for any sin that opened the door of my life to the devil, in the name of Jesus. Every astral projected mirror from the water in my body; scatter in Jesus name. 6. Engaging In a Battle Against The Spirit of Error by Pastor Kehinde Every serpent-spirit, unwind and depart from my life, in Jesus name. There are different kinds of families that believe in different kind of gods. Punish leviathan, the piercing serpent, even leviathan the crooked serpent, with Your sore, great, and strong sword (Isaiah 27:1). Every strange underground house in the water having my picture; catch fire, in Jesus name. 10:6 - When your debtors are refusing or are . November 25, 2013 I bind and rebuke every cobra that would come against me in the name of Jesus. He will be very stubborn and cruel and it will take many signs and miracles before he will let you go; but everyone will know that I am God when he finally frees the Israelites. Others even use serpent skin to make bags, shoes and people use their money to import, buy and keep them in their homes. 13. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 24. Every work of darkness, plotted in the night season against my life and family,, #MidnightPrayers: Day 3 Abrahamic Momentum 1. There are some tribes in Nigeria where people dont kill snakes and when you kill such a demonic snake the implication is always death and strange sickness. I separate myself from every ancestral covenant with water spirits by the power in the blood of Jesus. 21. You serpentine spirit assigned unto me, that bites whosoever that offends me, you are not my defender, be electrocuted and die, in the name of Jesus. Its poison is very dangerous and can kill. When you have a feeling of killing yourself or others. Inherited serpent, DIE! Dr Olukoya, General Overseer, MFM I have authority to tread upon serpents (Luke 10:19). I receive divine wisdom to navigate and escape every spiritual landmine the enemy, PROPHETIC PICTURE INTO THE THIRD MONTH (MARCH 2023): THE POWER OF ABRAHAMIC MOMENTUM GENESIS 18:1-2 (KJV): And the LORD appeared, The power of our WORDS This is the reason for the BATTLE OF THE GATES Whatever you REPEATEDLY SAY, DAY 21 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES FAST-BREAKING/HOLY COMMUNION #BattleOfTheGates Day 21 Prayer 1: As I prepare, DAY 20 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES TEN TIMES BETTER! I withdraw my organ in the water used for sacrifice in Jesus name. I smash and scatter the heads of serpent spirits, in the name of Jesus. 3. Se fuerte y valiente que sers libre en el Nombre de Jesucristo. You, serpent diverting my wealth and prosperity, be utterly crushed by the Hammer of God, in Jesus name!!! 58. I bind and rebuke every python that would try to squeeze out my prayer life in the name of Jesus. You heavens of my prayer, I command you to open by fire, in the name of Jesus. Dr. Daniel Olukoya, MFM General Overseer's sermon and prayer points preached in Battle Cry bulletin Volume 9. 10. ou children of the ministry of serpents calling me daddy/mummy in my dreams to be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus. This spirit causes toxic and noxic relationships, pain and discomfort; confusion, hemorrhaging of joy, peace, finances, natural and spiritual resources. Any stubborn chain from my fathers house and mothers house binding me down to one spot catch fire, in Jesus name. Kindly drop your comments below if you found these prayers against serpentine powers helpful. I bind and rebuke every cockatrice that would come against me in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 14:29). In the name of Jesus. The fact that the man is polygamous is enough evidence that he has a problem of marine spirit. 54. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. We serve a God who loves us dearly. The spirit of Python will force you to use the properties of the marine. Blood of Jesus enter into the water now and speak for me, in Jesus name. 47. It is titled 'Engaging In a Battle Against The Spirit of Error'. There are different kinds of families that believe in different kind of gods. 21 PRAYER POINTS TO BREAK MARINE AND WATER SPIRITS BONDAGE. I am born again in Jesus Christ name. Let the anointing of God to destroy marine spirit and their kingdom come upon my life afresh in Jesus name. I bind and rebuke any serpent that would try to deceive me (, I release the rod of God to swallow up every serpent that would come against me in the name of Jesus (. I bind and rebuke any serpent that would try to deceive me ( 2 Corinthians 11:3 ). Before speaking on this topic, Dr Olukoya quoted the following Bible passages to give biblical insight into the topic. Lord, bruise the head of every serpent that would attack my life in the name of Jesus. Father, I scatter by fire anywhere snakes are harboured and worshiped in my family, in the name of Jesus. Let the spirit husband/wife fall down and die, in Jesus name. The God that answereth by fire, let Him be my God. Father, by the blood of Jesus, I command every serpent poison or venom in my body to come out of me now, in the name of Jesus. When promise and fail are too much in your life. Repent from all known sins and flee rebellion. Ensure you are living a holy life and that you do not have their materials in your possession. This night prayers will end every trace of the serpent spirit fighting against your life in the name of Jesus. Every serpentile bite that I have received in my body through dream, be eliminated, in Jesus name. Father, I command the secret of the ministry of the serpent to be revealed, even as I am praying now, in the name of Jesus. Father, every ancient serpent of the devil moving around me to deceive and destroy my destiny, I release the sword of God upon you right now, in the name of Jesus. POLYGAMY: There is no way a man would marry many wives and some of them would not be possessed with marine spirit. In the name of Jesus. 60. You evil monitoring seed planted into my life, die in the Name of Jesus 9. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. It deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Click this link to join Now, . 28. Every spirit of the snake using my house as their habitation, get out now in Jesus name. 7. nyone that has swallowed (rattle) snakes in order to kill me because of my property and unborn children die by fire, in the name of Jesus. In other words, you conquer them, obtain victory and stand to see their end and enjoy your life the way God ordained it to be. I cover everything with me, everything around me and everything over me now with the blood of Jesus. As I am jumping up, let the eggs, seeds and properties of snakes in my body, jump out by fire in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus. Please pray that the spirit of nicotine will leave my body and every parental/generational demons and serpents will be evacuated from my body in the name of Jesus.I shall not die. 44. Thou serpent of the Lord, bite every hidden enemy of my life, in the name of Jesus. I bind and rebuke every serpent that would try to twist or coil around my life in the name of Jesus. Consuming Fire of the Lord of Elijah, burn to death every serpent attacking me and my household, in Jesus name!!! Dr Olukoya of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries commonly called MFM, is a man who loves prayers. Agenda of the marine spirit to paralyze my destiny-dreams, die by fire, in Jesus name. And as such, people under this captive of python spirit struggle to fufill destiny. Sow Your Seeds, Sacrifices, Offerings And Tithes. 1. In 17. I use the blood of Jesus to purge my foundation and my life, in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, arise in your anger and deliver me from every power of a serpent and scorpion holding me down in Jesus name. My Father, I thank you for watching over me, I thank you for your constant protection made available on my life and my household. 10 prayer points for divine protection with bible verse Do you want to receive power over the serpent? Every feature of the serpent is what this ministry uses, from the deceptive, subtle and poisonous nature of the serpent. RITUALS AND SACRIFICE: A person gets polluted through these means. You serpent, loose your grip upon my spiritual strength, in the name of Jesus. Father, I command every dream serpent at work in my life and destiny to die by fire, in the name of Jesus. 2. 40 IMPORTANT BIBLE VERSES YOU NEED FOR 2019. I Loose Now Your Healing Power Lord Jesus, Healing And Freedom Now From These Spirits That Have Held Me Captive! Marine weeding gowns tormenting my physical weeding gown; catch fire, in Jesus name. Every dragon tied around my body, soul, and spirit, I shake you into the Fire of God, in Jesus name. Every worshiper of vipers in my environment and in my place of birth that is doing wickedness against me, die by fire, in the name of Jesus. 13. My Father, by your fire, arise and burn up every serpent swallowing my blessings in Jesus name. Every linkage with the python spirit with my life, break to pieces, in the name of Jesus. Any marine stronghold holding me down as a child of God, I declare my total freedom, so therefore lose your grip over me, in Jesus name. Go Immediately.Directly To Jesus Christ! 8. I give glory to the Almighty God, Je suis Ghislain Assogba,je suis vraiment content de dcouvrir cette priere..que Dieu vous benisseCar,cet esprit serpentin me drange au jour le jour,mes pasteurs je vous demande votre aide de prire puissante. very strongman giving cobra food in my place of birth because of me, die with their cobra, in the name of Jesus. Any wicked power monitoring me in order to destroy my destiny, you are a liar, die in the Name of Jesus. When you have unforgiving spirit and other negative attitudes. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the . 67. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. They pollute the temple of peoples destiny through sex and lustful desire. 57. As a child of the Lion of Judah, I chase out serpents from my life, in the name of Jesus. As you take each prayer try as much as possible to be observant in the spirit realm. I repent of all serpent worship, and the worship of animal deities and forces of the air, fire, water, the nether world and nature, in the name of Jesus. These marine spir Are your nights contaminated with satanic nightmares and evil dreams? God has given you power to trample on snakes and scorpions. Father, I use the blood of Jesus to purge my foundation and my life, in the name of Jesus. 112 Prayer Points By Dr. D.K Olukoya (MFM 2022) - Daily Prayers Python spirit seeks to put spiritual chains on the destiny of the children of God. In Jesus Name According To Math 18:18Satan, I Take Authority Over You This Day And Bind And Cast Out This Python Spirit And Your Demons Of Witchcraft, Divination, Heaviness, Weariness, Fatigue, Frustration, Confusion, Depression And Oppression, The Seducing Spirit, The Beguiling Spirits, Jezebel Spirit And The Spirits Of Controlling, Dominating And Manipulation That Have Been Plaguing Me (Or.Plaguing Our Church!) Then say this simple prayer: Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I acknowledge that I am a sinner and have fallen short of Your glory. Every serpent and scorpion, anointed against my destiny, dry up and die, in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, neutralise the venom of serpents and scorpions fired into my life and destiny with the blood of Jesus. Let God arise in His anger and fight for me. God bless you. PRAYER POINTS. My Father, I cover myself, family, business, career, marriage and ministry with the blood of Jesus hence we are highly protected against every demonic serpent and scorpion in Jesus name. Most children of God are in the bondage and captivity of the ministry of the serpent because they do not or have refused to follow the path of freedom. Thank You Jesus Thank You! Amen. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. Thank You Jesus Thank You! Father, by the unquenchable fire of God, I command every environmental serpent at work in my environment and life to be scattered, in the name of Jesus. !Come Out Now In Jesus Name!!! 7. Some carve images of serpents, some have jewelries that carry the images of serpents. Number 23 & 24 titled The Ministry of the Serpent & The Mystery of the BOOK of Remembrance. Strange eyes of the python spirits over my possession, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. For Confirmations and Further Directions, 75 PRAYER BULLETS AND SCRIPTURES TO CANCEL EVIL DREAMS. Every serpent, set in motion against my spiritual progress, be rendered venomless, in the name of Jesus. Crushing serpentine spirits and releasing your breakthrough Be Gone Now And Never Again Return Unto Me! My Father, arise and protect me from the poison of every scorpion sent to attack me in Jesus name. My Father, I praise your name today with thanksgiving in my mouth and in my heart. 3. Let the blood of Jesus mix with Holy Ghost fire and enter into my foundation, in the name of Jesus. Father, I ask for your mercy and forgiveness upon my life, in the name of Jesus. The Bible says in Exodus 7:10-12, And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent. Be bind And cast out the Python Spirit And Its Cohorts Pray. God I thank you for your light upon my life, in the name of Jesus. Start by giving your life to Jesus Christ, who is the only person that can empower you to overcome the devil. Some have shrines and altars of serpents. Some dedicate their children to serpents and the serpent becomes their guardian in life. He said, Go to Pharaoh and tell him to let the Israelites go. The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid. Father, I thank you for your light upon my life, in the name of Jesus. (Or From Your Church!) 48. My life, reject every serpent and scorpion, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Prayer Points - MOUNTAIN OF FIRE & MIRACLES MINISTRIES ANCESTRAL AND PARENTAL POLLUTION: This happens when your ancestors or parents are into marine worship. 38. I come against every spirit of serpents in my life, in the name of Jesus. Employ your spiritual weapons to battle them including the name of Jesus, the sword of the Lord, lightning, thunder, and tempest. So you ought not be afraid of them for God has made you more than conquerors to them. They program and project evil things into people including animals, moving objects, heat, and sicknesses into people. Every serpentine manipulation of my health, be frustrated and be rendered impotent, in the name of Jesus. 20 SYMPTOMS OF A LIFE UNDER ATTACK OF SERPENTS. O Lord have mercy on me and reverse every satanic decision over my life, in the name of Jesus. Repent confess, and restitute if necessary. Every demonic possessed power attaching themselves to my glory, catch fire, in Jesus name.
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