But there is some actual legitimate research elderberry like has been shown in randomised controlled trials to like effect know the immune system and lower cold duration and stuff like that, you know. Rogan at checkout to get free shipping on all orders were also brought to you by the motherfucking cash app cash app. I, I miss I miss my life before the pandemic. I mean, I could have it right. The way drugs are designed is they like they target a certain molecule and they boom. It does it doesn't do shit to your plasma levels like you're still at baseline. Subscribe to our channels, COVID-19 Q&A #2 - Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, Cross-Immunity, Immunity Duration & More. Watch Here. Also, as the oldest continuously operating distillery in America, Buffalo Trace Distillery has experienced more than its fair share of adversity floods, fires, wars, recessions and prohibition. I just I have so much I have high hopes for it, you know, and maybe maybe I'm a bit of an enthusiast with it, you know, I do like I've studied vitamin D so much. And there's been studies that have shown looking at like, OK, looking in parts of Europe, different countries in Europe that have this predominant form that they're basically there's a higher mortality rate, but they didn't actually measure the infected patients. Vitamin C But I forgot what it was. Mood Dr Rhonda Patrick has popularised the use of vitamin D as a supplement and arguably the original proponent of fasting that reached the MMA community. I don't know if they did. You I mean you definitely like your fit, you know. You know, it's well, it's it's important. Look, and people are shittier over there. That's awful. That for you for sure. And then so elderly elderly are like insanely more deficient. Showers. Yeah, especially being outside. And so, like those people are more likely to die from respiratory infections than people that don't have that, which it's a great way of kind of randomising people by their genes as opposed to doing a randomized controlled trial. The sauna, you just you don't wear any clothes. So like people like giving giving the vaccine people's immune response, some people can have that antibody dependent enhancement. Why can't I take my card. Do you do you just need more sleep, though? And like, I like he's a tech guy. But it's also I got to think the SONA has a big impact because it feels like I'm on a drug. Six weeks later, she's going to do try to do eight sessions like like where she's going to keep these people from. So, you know, there's there certainly, I think, a good hypothesis to be made that potentially, you know, one or two of these common cold viruses, could the antibodies you make against them could also somehow maybe, maybe, you know, interact with the sars-cov-2 virus, potentially neutralize it? You go in. And I think that doing the sauna is making you more resilient against against infection like there. And then and then putting them in a place where they can't get any vitamin D from the sun. Good. But I think that's also a really good I mean, there's a ton of theories. But he was like all of a sudden, like the first time he had it, he was just like, pain. How about that. Doctor Talks Vitamin D's COVID-19 Impact on Joe Rogan Podcast I was terrified and it thankfully has not been that bad. They have produced more than two million liters of hand sanitizer so far, and they're still making bourbon as well, rolling it more barrels into the warehouses every day. I'll get you one. Vitamin Katou usually stays around the periphery, doesn't really go to the liver. Like I went to Finland a few years ago. No, no chemicals at all. I hope you got some good information on this. She is currently supplementing with Thorne Research Vitamin D3. Well, no, I think what's actually the sauna is actually just it's improving your immune system. The people were cheering this gum and pregnant pregnant women like they were like six months pregnant. They're more scared that they could be affected by a severe, you know, case of this. That's like sciatica. The problem is, is that melanin also blocks your your ability to produce vitamin D, but if you're out in the sun all the time, you know, in a place where you're getting UVB radiation, it's not a problem. But it does. One day we'll do it. I just I don't think that it's totally accurate, considering my only real way to measure that is those little suction. Yeah. And it's horrible. And they did all these sub analysis and that was great because they got to the bottom of it. Yeah. So so then 200 milligrams. The other thing that happens is the antibody binds to the virus, doesn't neutralize it, but it like makes this crazy immune complex that, like, activates your immune system to just go haywire and it causes all sorts of pathology. Vitamin D is effective for COVID-19: meta analysis of 34 studies. So it's that Bertsch you know what they're whipping. So I have like all the apps and stuff and most of the time like and I turn my my my iPhone screen is like down and they have the black background and all that. And so but it totally fixed itself, thankfully. It's a lot of that's a it's a hormone like can you imagine just walking around without testosterone, your man? Ninety proof Franklin County, Kentucky, Buffalo Trace, American family owned and fiercely independent. I get a flare up and it's like I'm sure I'm out. But there's been studies that have shown that you can I mean, people that have taken, you know, ten thousand I use a day for for multiple years, haven't had any hypoglycemia or had, you know, problems, but too much vitamin D can be toxic. But I love it. So monoclonal antibodies, I think, are a really big, you know, possibility for a promising therapeutic because you can then I mean, the problem is growing like large scale manufacturing them. Next the song is kind of useless. Right? No, no. And the only solid evidence I could find on negative effects of fluoride on the brain are in utero, meaning pregnant women. So you you want to get at least 10 grams. Llamas could be the key to fighting new coronaviruses research says the larger. I'm always happier during warmer and sunnier months. That's like my shower time now. I choke on sometimes. I've gotten so much better at it. Between you and those outside your household, you fucking how have you been like doing comedy bits like. And it's it is just hard to get them motivated to go exercise. Oh, you have a patch that you wear on your all time. But CBD, amd, the company that I use, what I really like is they have a bunch of muscle creams and like, you know, stuff that you rub on the outside of your muscles. He will. There's like less, less frequency of getting covid-19. And so there some people paid extra to like go to this event that. Hibernation/no motivation to do anything is maybe the most common symptom of depression. And his fight for the forgotten charity is doing amazing work. I mean, like, there's too many factors to, like, say one thing. There's something mood enhancing. Best distillery in America. And people were getting sick. Eventually I'm like, OK, I got to go back to the dentist because, you know, pregnancy makes your teeth worse. Month to month and a half or whatever, and we kind of like my team and I just drove in and put together an article, released a podcast on it, a video where we just kind of covered everything. But, you know, that's another possibility for sure. And you can't say it does this. I'm glad you brought up hot baths, because that's something that I wanted to cover before we got off track. What is the one I drink. Oh the neuro gum. Magnesium Citramate They never felt it. Wow. Like it's, I really think it's we already are. The stuff is pretty good and I don't feel anything like that's not going to get you high. And I feel like now for a while during the pandemic, when it started in the lockdown started, people were nicer. I don't know if it was like placebo or not, but like B 12 is a big impact on your ability to do work. The thing about the sauna, 210 degrees to one of the things that it was happening to me, I was getting headaches and my throat was burning like the next I was coughing a lot like and I was like I think I'm fucking up the actual tissue in my throat. But I mean, just like things like REM disappear and the monoclonal antibodies and then you eventually, like, you know, a vaccine will, you know, eventually, you know, be be available. And that makes it makes all sorts of problems. Hello, friends, welcome to the show. So actually, it's actually I don't want to go into this, but yeah, no, I don't get cancer. So the sars-cov-2 one virus does that. I usually use it at home, but sometimes I use it here when I like, right after workouts like if I workout I try to get a workout here before, you know, like before do podcasts and I'll time it so they have an extra hour so I can get in the sauna. Yeah, obviously it's in your body, but when you if it's in your nostrils or if it's in your respiratory tract and you're breathing in that heated sauna air, does that have any effect at all on on viruses? I used to drink. It gets gets grosser meditation. Intro. Twenty percent of all rubs sources in Liner's visit, Tregear grills Dotcom Joe and use the code Rogan at checkout to get free shipping on all orders. I would love to have something to measure it without having to take my watch in there, because I don't like sitting like it's like, you know, well, the strap measures are really well and it'll give you like you could actually mark it down as an activity. I was like so put off with the toxins stuff like it's funny because the sauna like that's like the one like four years, like all the benefits about slanderer, always about toxins. So sleep is so important, but those poor people that it's going to be one of the worst things for your nurses, like doctors, anybody, the first responder, health workers, anybody is working the late shift. OK, well, they're using they're using that sonna that I was telling you the same thing. Joe Rogan has interviewed . So I don't think I'm. OK, almost like UV protector got got microbiome. I think we kind of got it dialed in. I mean, I don't even know he's been fucked up for, like, a really bad. But after I graduated, I went to work at the Salt Institute for Biological Sciences and the way I was working in an aging lab. And they're intubating these people and they're they're doing it. So. If the levels are 20 ng/ml to 29 ng/ml, it is inadequate. I'll give you some. The full extent of vitamin's D impact has yet to be fully understoodnearly every cell and tissue in our body has vitamin D receptors (proteins that bind to vitamin D); and in its active form, vitamin D can interact with the vast majority of the body's cells. Intravenously. And I say, crazy asshole. How about this one. But there are studies also showing that either vitamin K one. So and that's important because there have been some concern about taking vitamin D, increasing the EU receptor. It's called the DEA. Is that the same family that you get from staph infections and no different stuff? And she, like my friend, is a little bit you know, she's a little bit of a skeptic when it comes to, like vitamins or anything like that, you know, so I wasn't going to say anything because her and I have gone and so on. Like that was like, you know, Linus Pauling was like deemed a nut, like, you know, the Nobel Prize winning chemist who basically is the vitamin C guy. I love it. It's CLV sounds like something Godzilla finds. But so there's been studies looking at vitamin D levels in the Somali population. I mean it's like the food that's highest and is that fermented soybean natto. So there's because they're releasing people, especially California, which is so wacky, they're releasing sex offenders. Well, it's in our office which is like just come off. It's a crazy number when you think about it. And I would get on the mechanism. I know you've had Matt Walker on the podcast. That's great. Yeah, it makes a big difference for me, but I also just I think it might be a little too much before, like I'm always trying to regulate how much activity I do with whether or not I'm be exhausted when I do a podcast because I used to do yoga and then I would come out, I would get out of yoga at eleven or at ten thirty and I would do a podcast at twelve. Literally the buffalo on the label is not some neutered buffalo. Yeah. Like I would. But there's something else unidentified. If not just I hope people are going to, you know, take their vitamin D or ask their doctor to take it, you know, but yeah, I think that in a couple of months. Have you ever measured your heart rate during it? Do you have a song in your house. Yoga is, is also like it's pretty intense, like holding those positions and stuff like your heart rate does start to elevate. Previous COVID-19 infection or vaccination confers long-term protection against future severe disease outcomes. Maybe, you know, I mean, I'm just speculating. Like if you have a herniation of the disc or if you have a bulging disc, it's pushing against your nerve. The sugar though is what helps the fermentation and helps the fungus grow. It would be so scared. But yes, January, all those vitamin D deficiency is lower for sure. Tested, too known to immunize people, did vaccinate people when they go to jail. That's your base. He's still suffering from it. And unfortunately, coronavirus is one like this has been identified with the sars-cov-2 one virus. I have like I've been to to Rick Rubin's house and we've done like it was like 200 and something. All right. I really appreciate it. And it it it had a pretty powerful antidepressant effect, very similar to Charles Raisen study with the hyperthermic chamber thing. It's intense. I'm just taking 5000 right now because that's like I could buy the five. It's awful for so many of these people that didn't do anything wrong. But there was there was some studies showing that high dose melatonin, you know, more in the like ten milligram range. And that's like the maximum level you can get from oral supplementation, 220 milligrams. But there's so many people that are just the sky is falling. And I think it's vitamin D. I think that, you know, so, you know, the vitamin D, like it hasn't looked vitamin E. I'm not saying that vitamin D is going to prevent you from getting covid-19 or it's a treatment, although I am involved in a clinical study where we're going to be testing a very small open arm study we can talk about. So there was a study done at the CDC, I don't know, a month ago, maybe a little more, where they measured like they did it. I'm definitely not going to do it the way it was before. It's different than like vitamin C, you know, normal vitamin C, you do need you need to get it from your diet. So there's studies there's been some large scale and genetic studies that have found that Asians, about 20 percent of Asians have a basically a nucleotide change in a gene that encodes for a protease that's involved in this, you know, basically in allowing this virus to get into the cell. But scroll back up to the to the main home. I mean, so important. Attend live or listen in our exclusive member-only podcast The Aliquot. I understand. Maybe that's why they're shittier, you know? And that's what happened with the RSV toddlers. Yeah, 10 grams of 10000 milligrams. Not like it's not like anything to be hugely concerned about. But I think it has huge potential, you know. There was less social justice outrage. She's amazing. Man, I think you've got to have the option. Right. This product is available in capsules also offering 5,000iu and 1,000iu doses. But the problem is, is that we don't go outside anymore. I'm just like, you know, there's I'm not scared. It's like I know you talked in Mumbo-Jumbo talk most of the time. Yeah. Yeah. Sugar that the sugar and that one's too much. But it's like small quantities and like do you ever get concerned from the high volume of leafy greens you have conservative oxygenates or getting kidney stones or anything along those lines? No, I have. Right. Today I took a cold shower from home and my son is not there and I did it just because I wanted to have the mood affects the norepinephrine that's been shown to be increased and it was much colder. I think that that seems like a good compromise. I got it probably right after the last time I was on here. There you go. And when, you know, basically into the bloodstream and then it gets converted into a hormone, this hormone regulates five percent, more than five percent of the human protein encoded human genome. I mean, the thing is, like also children, I don't know how to tackle that issue because it's really hard. So it's a lifelong thing. Living in scotland I could have told you that no sunshine makes you miserable, 6 hours of overcast "daylight" in the winter is pretty brutal. The second time he was like vomiting and like, you know, you know, I didn't want to like I had my son was sleeping. You're in there. These are politicians. There's so fucking stupid, because you've got to realize these people that are writing these lists, these are not experts.
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