3. Im curious to know if they had a camera why wouldnt they make a final message for family telling us and them what happened? The chain of custody is muddy. The blue object looks like it could be a crushed beer can. During thistime,Kremers and Froon repeatedly called for help. Thats from her palm. Yes, I can see that too Chyna Lee. What do you think?? Wonder if it could be a piece of an aircraft wreckage. We have no way of knowing if somebody tried to unlock the phone but failed. It looks as if there is a guy standing off the edge in the tunnel. Yes, you are correct that numerous communities do work hard to bring criminals to justice. Im not understanding why they bothered to create a cover story. Let me dampen the third party argument by asking IF their end was at the hands of another personwhy not simply bury the rucksack rather than all the elaborate need for photoshopping and phones used in the hands of a third party ? German Tourist Sexually Assaulted After Being Lost In Panama's Jungles Its very interesting that the dog is not clearly visible in any of the pictures. They were only 2 weeks into their trip and only on their 4th day in Boquete so they were innocents abroad and would have been broadcasting that to all who cared to look. He went into the girls room without police, he was involved with finding of the backpack, and also the bones. It is clear they contributed much to this by their actions. What I have not found is concrete evidence of where they went. Article about our trip plans: Research Team Update Support Us, Campaign Link: Mapping The Jungle Trails Of Panama. Bizarre Stories About Tourists Who Went Missing Far From Home - CBC I wrote about the upcoming book here: https://imperfectplan.com/2020/12/09/new-book-coming-spring-2021-kris-kremers-and-lisanne-froon-case/. I dont think so. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lMUOsoUME0Q/YLJzTuPRWbI/AAAAAAAAHDc/431BbuGq2PQEgxV65djGrwcBUCL5BEh8QCLcBGAsYHQ/s486/closeupkrs.jpg. I just want to agree with Chris and the poster JW that she is shading her eyes with her right arm up. So if you look behind her bottom theres a patch of light which is the light at the other end of this tunnel and shes holding her right hand up to her face to sweep back a piece of hair. The link to the main page where I give complete details of the story: The True Story of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon 2 Girls That Disappeared in Panama. The Panamanian government had requested that the U.S. deploy assets including Navy salvage divers and sonar to aid in the search effort and locate the wreckage in the days after the crash, but the request was denied due to a lack of assets and jurisdiction, according to a statement from the Velleman and Borries families. There have been several mass graves uncovered there in the last year alone. Her right hand is clearly raised in front of her shading her face from the sunlight. Also I wish we new more details on the phones. Do u know if this particular spot was apart of the trail they went on? The camera had a video function this could have been used including of course sound. Tourists Killed in Mexico Is it Safe to Go Now? - Yahoo! His family told Fox News that he had been traveling by himself and he was in good health. The main/central support bar (branch?) and then found by someone and then the real nightmare started. Like jaguar? This story and all the bizarre features surrounding it as strange as they are, are actually very much similar to the thousands that have been put together by former cop and forest ranger David Pauladis series of books Missing 411. The rock isnt about the twig its got chunks of flesh and blood splatter all over it to the right and back of rock. Also, #509 was deleted after all of the other photos were taken, which means someone went back and deleted it after all of the nighttime photos were taken. Regarding the photos, I have no idea why they would be taking these, deleted some later and left this one, especially since the ribbed roofing structure is somewhat obvious. Realizing just how much trouble these two could have been in. Most people in Panama dont have the expertise, nor equipment to handle these sophisticated tasks. or That is an interesting photo taken of Kris Kremers under the slatted roof. Thats the very first thing that crossed my mind. I see orange spray paint markings on the base of the tree further in the cave to Kriss right. Almost like some picture had been there and this posted over or just strange, almost satanic looking things. What is clear is that on that fateful day the girls went out for a short hike and never came back. They took the dog with them on the walk and it came back the next morning but they didnt there had to have been some clues maybe like how far could the dog have gone and still find its way back home? Sadly however, the Beaumont children are just three of around 2,000 long-term missing people in Australia. She turns to talk Lisanna Did they become lostand fall down a cliff? You have to look hard. I think she is pointing, but at something else in another location. And that looks to be a stocker style stand. Although it might be the sun that gives her face a strange expression. She realizes she has to try to find the river and decides to leave at dawn. Cave photo: Is it possible that there is a building or some sort of structure behind the vegetation? I think they were lost. I think this picture of Kris is a picture of her circling around looking for where they entered the jungle. Also, I do not know about the girls living situation and the relationship between the girls and the owner. I know that its highly irregular for 17 foreigners to uproot their lives and relocate to the obscure jungles of Panama, especially for the purpose of sacrificing locals (whom are often Catholic). I am thinking while I am writing so please be patient with me. LoopNews Hi Ray, thank you for your comment. Does anyone agree with me? For me the strongest clue that not anything sinister happened is that the family refused to have ALL photos released because some show the girls in a very rough state. ^ But the galvanized sign marking the terminus of the Pianista isnt really the end of the trail. In fact, theres a very obvious, albeit mud-choked, passage that goes down the other side of the crestonly to intersect with an entire web of paths constructed and used primarily by members of the indigenous Ngobe tribe. After taking a deep dive into all the evidence and flying out to Panama to do their own investigation, the pair concluded that the girls' deaths were an accident. I cant say what it is, but it looks similar to an object, that can be seen in some of the nighttime photos, like in this one here. I am not an investigator but I find it very strange that there were no witnesses found either tourists or locals on the trail. I agree with you. I havent seen any discussions on this. The fact that the backpack showed up on the bank of a river completely dry and unharmed downstream, with the camera and other electronics still functioning, shows that someone placed it there. The theories go from accident to a crime to a combination of both. That photo was wiped clean from the SD card, which is a strong clue that someone deleted it after the other photos were taken. They could have been a target early on. Very interesting.. The sun is shining right into her eyes so shes squinting and bending down a bit to see her friend, who was probably talking to her while snapping the photo. The BLUE object on ground could be a BRA. This is the real one: This tells me that they had a time in their minds of what time to leave to get back to their host home in Boquette. That said, even if there is a structure there, it has been made clear that there are a lot of trails on the other side of the El Mirador that are used by the indigenes, so it wouldnt be surprising to see indications of these areas being used. (who knows why). Nice investigation. If there are documented river paths, this could be a way to find that exact same location. Thank you, Sue. A closer look at mysterious disappearances that continue to baffle detectives. Thanks for pointing this out. Im not sure if Ive found something new here, but I havent found anyone else discussing these details online. Im sure that when they left on that short hike that their intention was to be back home before dark and to be back to the host home for supper on time. While I do believe eventually, and possibly soon after this, there was foul play, I dont think anything untoward was happening as of this photo. However there appear to be yellowish/beige shadows and it looks like a sandstone cliff. After cops searched the area where the backpack was found, they discovered Kris' clothes neatly folded along the edge of the river. Thats suspicious and leads me to question if government was involved to some degree. I wish I had them as actual photographs that I could shuffle around until I can place them in the order in which I think they were taken. I also see the handing ornament, whatever that is called and definitely a roof structure with leaves and branches above her. Im happy my work could shed some light on the possible items in the picture. The Lost Girls of Panama: The Full Story. Panamanian screwed up the investigation monumentally, but I would think that the private detectives followed up all the leads: after all, they were getting paid a lot of money for it. There is much speculation about the night time fotos made using the Cannon. Once there, the families and detectives began a massive search. Look for an ex-military man who may be the culprit. Could be that they were trying to avoid somebody on the trail, went off the oath & got lost. I wonder if the two red objects are flowers? It is almost as if they are deliberately not to tell anything rather than the much speculated something. Hi Marie, Theres no evidence that points to the dog being with them. Give me a link. Disturbing evidence also showed there were a number of failed attempts to unlock Kris' phone - sparking another theory that Kris had died and Lisanne was frantically trying to access her phone to get help. The rich live in gated communities. To the left hangs a cow skull smeared with blood, perhaps worn during the sacrifices. Im not sure though, Id have to search in my graphic editor again. The deaths of more than 4,680 people have been documented during migration in Asia since 2014, often linked to the exodus of the Rohingya from Myanmar. Also, people do not give off a rosy glow from their backs, as can be seen here. Hi Chris, good question. The causes of Kremerss and Froons tragic death have never been determined and the two bodies that were recovered have not even been conclusively found to be either of the girls. Europe is the world . He has a whole series of You Tube videos (over 50) that were made that show that the pictures were manipulated and he names the suspect. Even the cheap pair of sunglasses are in perfect condition. Yes indeed!I hadnt noticed that before!is it a carved rock of sorts?. The emergency calls still dont go through. They are 99.999999% preventable. I find it really creepy, but maybe Im looking at it wrong due to shadows and light. Kris and Lisanne's families decided to fly out to Panama and bring Dutch detectives with them. The goal wouldnt be to identify suspects or disrupt anyones life. Its interesting numerous people have contacted me anonymously and informed me that there are already multiple existing research teams that are investigating this case privately. Also, the parents did not release all the images. Lastly, I totally see animal pelts inside the structure. Ive written about many disappearances in Central America: https://imperfectplan.com/disappearances/, Thank you for your comment and please feel free to send me any notes/info that you find. It even appears they have some kind tattoo on their back. I must have been living in a cave and totally preoccupied with myself when this happened because I only stumbled across this via a Youtube video ( one of many) by Juan Perea Y Monsuw on Friday. We have no police report to read which its self may also contain errors. One showed Kremers with what looked like concern on her face,dated around the time of the emergency calls. Whatever happened I believe was not from a man following them. Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). Have you looked closely at what Chris has labelled the insignia. Gang initiation rights are unknown these small gangs dont have an official policy as you might see with the larger gangs its usually just do as we say and well protect you. Wow. If a cave was found that would be big news and there could be DNA evidence inside it. Theyre also exceptionally rugged and dangerous, especially during the April-to-October wet season. The ambulatory friend began to assess how she might reach her friend, but underestimated the difficulty involved, thereby becoming less able to extricate herself from the jungle. if you break your ankle in a fall and die your foot is likely to be found IN the shoe as is what happened. The search efforts moved into the forests where the young women traversed, using on-foot search teams and dog units. This case certainly is perplexing, as many of the disappearances Ive written about. Most of the pictures taken on April 8 are of complete darkness while some show the jungle floor, but two pictures are alarming: one is a picture of some of the girls belongings on a rock, and the other shows the back of Kremerss head with what appears to be a bloodstain in her hair. Instead, they think What words can I say to make my local population feel better? After all, locals elect these same authorities. I think they knew too much and someone wanted them to be silenced forever. Yessss!! To Jane I just gave the brief overall story of what I think happened. As the search was starting to wind up, a local woman handed in a blue backpack, claiming she found it in a rice paddy along the banks of the river. So many questions and there is no clear starting place like a police report to read. The non-waterproof lycra backpack mysteriously shows up, with completely dry contents. You can even see the shadow of her han on her face. Also why did they go alone without a guide? Also the path looks to be a dried up river vs a man made path. Or if they went, they could have been followed by someone the murderer (or murderers). The place itself might reveal some clues as to what sort of person or people would construct it and what are the chances of them doing something bad. A path looks different anyway when you walk back the other way so they would not be aware they were not heading the right way and carried on. Kris is hunched over beside a sacrificial alter with hands tied behind her. Jump forward to Boquette now and you will see a photo of the girls in the street, and behind them is a shirtless fat white man. Ive found that there are in fact two native type people visible in the night photos. In all of the photos, there is zero evidence to suggest that the dog was truly with the girls on their hike into the forest. These were of seemingly random objects, like a stick with plastic sticking to it, as well as scenes of foliage, canyons, anda bridge. After finding the women's phones, authorities now had alead. Also I see a black pipe if you look carefully near one of the red and black objects the one that was circled. Hi Susan, those are all possibilities. Sorry to bring up the dog again. Before you even pointed out the manmade ceiling structure I noticed that. The last set of pics is especially chilling to me, my first thought was Lisanne may have been bound & hurt & somehow able to gain access to the camera & made a last attempt to signal for help or document everything around her as best she could & thats why all the angles are so awkward & unfocused. They came to learn a language and embrace a culture. You highlight the importance of fastidiousness in the articles that I reference. No accident. Hi, do you know when and where this book will be available? The backpack contained two pairs of sunglasses, $83 in cash, two bras, a water bottle - and importantly, Lisanne's passport. If anything, they work harder to try and bring anyone to justice that harms a tourist. NOT A SINGLE ONE? Is the time that photo was taken known? Maybe one girl regained consciousness at night and took the pictures. Life of a stay at home home. I also think that we are looking at man-made roof structure, but its not the last photo, right? https://i.postimg.cc/3xK4Pdmb/Kris-Kremers-Full-Photo-Highest-Res-auto-x1-1-photos-v2-faces-x2-colored-toned.jpg. I think that I read somewhere that something blue was found on one of the shoes. These photos all look very photoshopped. Sorry to send so many messages Chris, but as a policewoman I have never liked to give up on a case.. Hello I suppose incompetence runs at many levels.
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